How far were you from goal when you decided to start looking into plastic surgery?

I'm about 40 pounds from goal, and wondering if it's time to start looking into plastic surgeons. How close to goal were you when you decided to SERIOUSLY look into plastic surgery for your extra skin?    — Heidi H. (posted on August 12, 2003)

August 12, 2003
I started thinking about and planning for plastic surgery as soon as I was out of the hospital for RNY!!! I'm half-way to goal now, with 50 lbs. to lose. I hope to get at least a tummy tuck around my year anniversary.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 12, 2003
So many people differ on this. I've seen other members rant and rave about NEVER thinking about it until you are 18+ months out. Me, I'm about 60 lbs from my goal and am 11 months out and am having my plastics done in November. I'm hoping to be closer to goal when I have surgery, but am not going to worry too much about it if I don't get there. I'm bothered enough about my arms and breasts to do something now not later. For me, it's my emotional health as much as the physical aspect. Good luck to you whatever you decide. BIG HUGS!
   — Click

August 12, 2003
Surgery can be done when you are within 20 pounds from goal weight. I would start looking now. You will want to check out a few surgeons and it takes time to get appointments with the best ones.
   — Patty H.

August 12, 2003
I am 6 months out and approximately 15 to 20 pounds from what I would really like to be at for my goal. I have a long range plan of having plastic surgery next August. I can't stand my "apron" and the skin that hangs over my bra. Yuk. I have been thinking about it for months and will start investigating my options around December or January. I would like to use an out of network surgeon who is my husband's cousin as he wil do as much as is safe at one time, but I have to see how the insurance covers a procedure with an out of network Dr.. I am not worried about the Drs. fee but moreso the other costs. Hopefully he can help me get an abdominoplasty approved and then I can hopefully only have to pay additional for the longer ansthesia requirements. I really don't know for sure whather I will be able to use him in the end. Worst case scenario is going w/ an in network Dr. and only doing the stomach skin.
   — Fixnmyself

August 12, 2003
I am 50 pounds from goal, but because of a hernia I am looking now because I want both surgeries (repair and TT) at same time. But after contacting several PS they say they won't even consider doing any reconstruction until I have maintained my weight for one year. At that rate it could take as much as two years before I am ready for PS. NW Indiana surgeons suck. Haven't found one yet that will even try to work with any insurance, they all want self-pay.
   — jocelyn

August 12, 2003
I haven't looked into plastics *yet*, even though I've been at or below goal for over five months. My weight and body shape and clothing size keep changing. Way back when, I wanted to reward myself with plastics at or near goal if possible, but now, my thinking is that I need to see where my body settles out before I let somebody get to cutting and contouring it (shudder), 'cause I don't want the results to be skewed by continuing weight fluctuations and changes that are beyond my control or ability to forecast. Even when my weight hasn't changed that much, the distribution has -- despite the fact my exercise regime has remained pretty much the same all along. At 40 pounds from goal, I would *never* have guessed these would be issues for me at this point. I'd wait until your body is stable, in terms of weight and shifting, for best results. JMHO. :-)
   — Suzy C.

August 12, 2003
Well I was told by my wls surgeon to wait at least one year for your weight to stabilize and I heard from a plastic surgeon you need to be within 20 pounds of goal. I was 227 when I had my tummy tuck last month. I had an open RNY in January of 2002 and that's the weight I stuck at. They took off around 15 pounds of skin and then I lost another 5 pounds because I didn't eat after surgery so I'm 205. I will never be one of the wls patients who hits goal, but since I started out at almost 400 pounds and I wear a 16/18 I think I'm fine. I am curvy and sexy at a size 16/18. I also know I will lose more when I have my thigh lift, breast reduction and arm skin removal....shoot, that is 20 more pounds there. I'm glad I did my tummy tuck when I did. The skin was hurting my back and stomach and I had a huge hernia. Plus, if you are 40 pounds from much of that is actually skin that will be removed???
   — Paula Prichard

August 13, 2003
We were talking about this at my support group last night. They said not to have plastic surgery until 2 years after your gastric bypass surgery. Also, there is a plastic surgeon in our area who will help you if you lose 100 lbs and keep it off for a year.
   — Charlotte G.

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