I was wondering if anyone knew any good sites

to find information on insurance costs for pre-op complications(co-morbids) and post op complications. I am doing a research paper and I can't seem to find anything. Also if anyone knows a good place to get any WLS books because borders and barnes and noble didn't have any, that would be great to, I live in St Paul MN. 6/27/03 292/230    — horserider0146 (posted on September 22, 2003)

September 22, 2003
The following government health agencies have the kind of information you're looking for. I don't have the exact web addresses handy, but putting the agency name into a search engine should get you what you want: National Institutes of Health, Centers For Disease Control, ShapeUpAmerica, National Institutes for Digestive Disorders and Kidney Disease.
   — Vespa R.

September 22, 2003
Check out the site by the Amercian Bariatric Surgeons Society. The link is You'll find a LOT of statistics there on post op complications.
   — sandsonik

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