does fresh fruit cause dumping?

I am pre-op and was wondering if fresh fruit causes dumping? The diet given to me by the nutrionist says protein first, then veg. then fruit. Pat    — Pat B. (posted on September 28, 2003)

September 28, 2003
Hi Pat. Post-op it's variable for everyone, but I can tell you that for me a serving of fruit does not cause me to dump. I also make sure that I eat my fruit with protein--grapes and cheese, apple and peanut butter, melon and cottage cheese, etc. Veggies are better for us than fruit, so I only have some fruit as an occasional treat.
   — Judy M.

September 28, 2003
Typically no, but there are always exceptions. I find that if I am eating anything questionable (with some sugar in it) I make sure I eat it after some of the protein is in. I think this helps to dilute the effect of the sugar on the small intestine. All my own theory and nothing scientific to support it. All I know is I have eat one whole cookie since surgery and I ate it on a full stomach and did not dump. I do tolerate small quantites of sugar, but don't do it too often. Almost 8 months and no dumping!
   — zoedogcbr

September 28, 2003
yes you can....I dump on fresh fruit if the sugar content is over 7 grams.
   — jennifer A.

September 28, 2003
In my case, I dump very easily on grapes which are my favorite fruit next to strawberries.
   — Happy I.

September 28, 2003
Yes, indeedy, and being long term does not prevent it. That means my dump-o-meter still works (the good news), and as I turn 9 y/o next week, it means I'm just stupid (the bad news), too. Grapes. <smacking forehead> I can't believe they got me. And it didn't take many, either. I yelled at my husband for not taking them away, which made me feel better, but he was dumping, too.
   — vitalady

September 28, 2003
Hi Pat...I agree with depends on the fruit. I have felt "faint" and sweaty after having grapes, but I can eat 7 or 8 strawberries without a problem. I can also eat about 3 wedges of canteloupe without a problem. Interestingly, if I eat 1/2 of an "overripe" banana, I feel like hell, but if I eat 1/2 of a firm yellow banana, no problem. As some fruit ages, the sugar content increases...weird, huh? Enjoy fruit, but in moderation. I still have about 3 servings of some kind of berry or melon every week. Berries (strawberries) seem to work best for me. The only real problem I have with fruit: If eat too much of it, I crave sweet things later in the day. So, on those borderline days, I avoid them.
   — Amy A.

September 29, 2003
I wonder if it has to do with the glycemic index of the fruit. I'm pre-op so I can't speak from experience, but I know that fruits such as watermelon have a high glycemic index, which means the sugar will cause a more dramatic spike in blood sugar. Here's a link to a page with the index values of tons on foods: What's interesting is that they list underripe bananas and they do indeed have a lower index value than ripe ones.
   — cabingirl

September 29, 2003
I discovered dumping by drinking diluted fruit 100% juice several days post op. Still have a hard time with just about all fruits. One or two bites about does it for me...and it can't be on an empty stomach either.
   — eaamc

September 29, 2003
It really depends on the person. I mildly dumped on some cereal last week, but can eat a cup of fruit salad no problem.
   — mrsmyranow

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