Am I losing too slowly??

Hi guys, just a quick question. I want to know where I should be with my weight loss so far. I'm 2 months and one week post-op and I'm only down 44 lbs. Is this normal? Should I be losing more quickly? My mind is playing with me. I look to see how well everyone else is doing in their weight loss and I feel like I'm not losing enough. Maybe it's just me. I'm just feeling a little depressed and don't know where I should be right now. Any feedback would be great!    — mars.renee (posted on October 11, 2003)

October 11, 2003
You are doing great!! I was three months post op on 10-8(open rny) and I am only down 42!!
   — Amy G.

October 11, 2003
I think you are doing great. That's 22 pounds a month! I am 4 1/2 months out and down 79 pounds, so I think you are doing fine... Jody
   — Jody A.

October 11, 2003
I had open RNY on 7/15 and have lost 41 pounds. I have decided I am fine with being a slow loser as long as I keep consistantly losing. You sound like you are doing wonderful! Keep it up!
   — TheresaC

October 11, 2003
I'm 7 1/2 weeks out and down "only" 29 pounds. I think I am slower than most, but I am ok with it. I'm doing everything my doctor has told me, so as long as I'm doing what I'm supposed to do, I am going to assume this is just how my body is going to lose. Besides, I've been telling everyone for years that I couldn't lose weight on my own. To me the slower loss just emphasizes that. I am doing my best to be positive and upbeat. A positive attitude will take you much farther than anything else. I'm hoping that by being a slower loser, maybe I won't have as many skin or hair loss problems. So far, so good. DOn't be down. Just look to the end result and where you will be in 10-15 months. COuld you have ever done this any other way? My husband tells me constantly, "If you don't lose another pound it has already been worth it because of the decreasing health problems. Blood pressure and blood sugar is normal, sleep apnea and depression is better. That is success.....
   — Denise B.

October 11, 2003
As I always tell my kidlings.... this is NOT a lecture ...BUT here goes..There is NO "normal" when it comes to post op weight loss. Too many variables (type of surgery, pre op BMI, genetics, how you're using your tool, etc)I have always been against a "dates and weights" mind set. Your body will lose EXACTLY how much and how fast it is able to. After all we sure didn't gain it over night how is it we expect to lose it that way?? If you're doing everything right (protein, water & exercise) then relax and enjoy watching it happen!!
   — Denise W.

October 11, 2003
You'll hear this over and over again, but it's true---DON"T COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS! Having said that, I'll admit I do the same thing and it's nearly driven me crazy. Everyone loses at different rates depending on starting weight, eating plan, exercise, etc. My surgeon told me 20# the first month, 10# a month for the next months, then 5# each month, etc was about the average expection. You've already beaten that by losing 44# !! You go, girl!
   — LLinderman

October 12, 2003
Hi there. Here is my thought.....if the average person is supposed to lose 100 pounds by 6 months...then 44 pounds in 2 months puts you ahead of the game!
   — MissKimberly

October 13, 2003
I think you are right on target. I GAINED two pounds my second month post op and thought I would have a nervous breakdown, but it started back up. Just make sure you get at least 60 grams of protein everyday...Good Luck
   — Tabatha W.

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