I am with in 20 or so lbs of goal and I have an appt with a plastioc surgeon Dec 5th

I am having recurrent problems with yesast infections in my umbilicus. I get a reddened excoriated (rash) area under my panni on occasion. I really have a very minimal panni and suspect it will only get better when those last 20 come off. My belly button is really goofed up though the way my fat distribution is. Educate me on the abdominal surgerys and likely hood of Medical Mutal Super Med Plus covering. I have heard through the BS surgeons that the upper abdomen is difficult to get covered but that since that is where my problem lies primarily I have better chances than most. Also I am thinking about getting implants for my now dearly departed breasts. *grin* I was a very full C pre op and now I have "flap jacks" that I pack into a lose B. Has anyone had implants and how were they done? I know these would be a self pay. Were they round or natuaral and above or below the muscle? What is the Yahoo forum for PS post WLS? Thanks in advance for anyones help! Lisa K.    — Lisa K. (posted on November 18, 2003)

November 18, 2003
Good Morning! I can relate to "flap jacks".......LOL First ... You must take pictures of all skin rashes. The likely hood of you getting approved by your insurance depends on this! I frequently have rahes under my panni/breast/between legs. I live in south La. and due to high humidity I seem to stay with them during summer months. On one occassion this summer I had a really bad case under breast & I took pictures. I've been on meds for 5 years for this. Anyway, on my 1st visit to plastic surgeon I had a rash under both breast....What Luck? lol Along with the pics he took and the ones I took I was approved instantly. I just had mammaplasty this Monday (17th)I had long sagging breast with little mass, but he did a great job on me! I was dead set on "No" implants. He said I should be a good firm 36C when all is healed. And...I should take them to my grave! I'm great to have something firm! I wish I had taken pics of the other areas, but they will return next summer and I will! A picture is worth a thousand words..... My surgery cost me $1000.00 out of pocket. Not bad for a $13,000 + surgery.....Had our insurance not changed I wouldn't have had to pay a cent, due to I had met my out of pocket of $850.00 with Aetna with LAP RNY in Feb. A small price to pay for good health and a good set of hooters! lol Best of Luck!
   — Hazel S.

November 18, 2003
Yahoo Group for Plastics after WLS: <p>
   — Ali M

November 18, 2003
That is the same insurance that I have. I just received my approval letter last friday. I was shocked. I really don't have a large panni but it has two folds. I didn't try for the breast lift but I think I will now. Go for all of it. You just never know. 8-28-02 -118lbs
   — Linda K.

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