HELP -- how long did it take for the swelling in your thighs to go away???

I am two weeks post-op and my thighs make me feel like an elephant. Please, someone, give me hope that they're going to return to normal!!! Thanks -- you can reply to my private email if you wish.    — Raechel M. (posted on November 28, 2003)

November 28, 2003
Raechel, What kind of surgery are you referring to -- weight loss or cosmetic surgery?
   — Biking O.

November 28, 2003
I'm talking about reconstructive surgery -- I had it two weeks ago and my thighs are really swollen. I'm used to running three miles a day and now I can barely walk. I've been told by my doctor it can take a matter of months for the swelling to go down -- but how MANY months??? I also had abdominoplasty and brachioplasty done at the same time. Thanks!
   — Raechel M.

November 29, 2003
Rachel I had my arms, thighs, and tummy done on Oct 14th. There is still swelling but it has gone down dramatically the last two weeks. I'm already back on my treadmill and feeling pretty much back to normal. Just give yourself time to heal you'll feel and look great soon :)
   — Laurie B.

December 1, 2003
If you had a thigh lift or tummy tuck, that swelling can persist to some degree for 6 months. Some patients will notice more swelling after excercise for a year. After just 2 weeks, swelling and discloration are competely normal. I provide my patients with a visit to a therapist for a lymphatic massage (it can also be done at home) to help with swelling.
   — DrL

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