Dr. just called to let me know he has a earlier date.

Dr. just told me he can take me on Wednesday, which is 5 days from now. My problem is I had stopped smoking but the past couple of weeks I smoked because my original date was cancelled and I was stressed out. Has anyone went through this and still had surgery although they smoked.    — jimnetta N. (posted on December 5, 2003)

December 5, 2003
Be honest & upfront with your surgeon's office. Explain what has happened and do they feel it will be "safe" to have your surgery on Wednesday. Don't take a chance just to get an earlier date. Some surgeons don't see it as a problem, some feel it puts you in a higher risk for complications.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 6, 2003
Be very careful I had a freind who smoked prior to his surgery and woke up on a ventilator and spent 9 days in the hospital with pneumonia.
   — Saxbyd

December 6, 2003
I'm a smoker (2 packs a day) and had both RNY and plastic surgery (tummy, breasts and arms). While the best case scenario is to not smoke at all, plenty of smokers have surgery and live to tell about it. While no one said anything about my smoking while I was preparing for the RNY (it was done lap), I was warned that I would take longer to heal from the plastic surgery if I smoked. Less oxygen in the blood slows healing. I had a chest Xray prior to the RNY and my lungs were clear. No Xray prior to the plastic surgery. If you're still concerned about this, I've heard that even 48 hours of no smoking makes a difference.
   — Cyndie K.

December 6, 2003
I smoked through all of my surgeries, 5 in all. The last was my RNY in July. I did fine and I healed well. I know I should have quit but I didn't.
   — lindadougherty

December 6, 2003
smoked thru three surgeries. Zero complications. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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