Has anyone had ps before their year anniversary?

My surgery was on 7/21/03 and I have lost 93 pounds so far. I am currently on Cobra, that will end in six months. I am in the process of applying for SSDI. I know that Medicare will most likely not pay for a tt or breast lift. I would like to get this done before I lose my coverage. I am still 30 or more pounds away from my goal. At this point, I will settle for anything. I do have severe back pain and arthritis on my pubic bone. Besides the cosmetic purpose, I am hoping it will help with the pain as well. Any answers would be greatly appreciated!    — RAINYDAYGIRL (posted on February 12, 2004)

February 11, 2004
For the best, long lasting results, I think it's important to be at or near (within 10 lbs) of your goal weight. I was a lightweight and reached goal within 10 months when I had a lower body lift which took off the remaining pounds and left me right at goal. I've maintained this weight for 6 weeks since surgery. I've read on this site from many folks who wish they would have waited until they reached target weight to have plastics. Right now my tummy and butt are as tight as a drum. If I found myself in the position of having 30 more pounds to lose now, there is no doubt I would end up with a small belly of flab and possibly a slihtly saggy butt too. I know how hard it is to wait for plastics once you get oh-so-close but hang in there a few more months and, in the long run, you'll be so glad you did.
   — Vicki S.

February 11, 2004
It's a decision only you can make. You kind of owe it to yourself to be at goal for a year and let your skin go back on it's own, as much as it can. Some people really snap back, some don't. I don't know of any insurance who pays for breast lifts. But they do pay for reductions if you qualify. As for TT, start documenting your problems with your Dr. Start taking pics, etc. If you get a TT before you're done losing, you're gonna end up looking weird, I would think.
   — mrsmyranow

February 12, 2004
Yes...I did! I was 9 months post op from Lap Rny. I was 7 pounds to goal. My surgeon will not perform surgeries on anyone more than 10 pounds from goal. I had a Mammaplasty (breast reduction/lift) He will not do surgery on anything besides breast unless you are at goal...breast is different than a body lift/etc. You really should be at goal and mantaining weight loss. You have have plenty time to get near goal. I would start process in another 8-12 weeks...You know how insurance companies can be, plus you want to get on the list for surgery! You should loose another 15 or so pounds by then. Good Luck!
   — Hazel S.

February 12, 2004
My insurance Guardian did pay for my mammaplasty (breast reduction/lift)and the patient normally has to have 500cc removed from each breast...I only had 150 removed from each. My plastic surgeon was shocked that approved it for me. Although, I did have severe rashes under both breasts monthly. I had pics to back it up and it was approved immediately. I may have been the lucky one...Seems I've been lucky with both surgeries.
   — Hazel S.

February 12, 2004
There are some post-ops who reach their goals quickly in under a year and have their plastics. Plastic surgeons want you to be within 20 pounds of your goal and the WLS docs advise that you stabilize your weight and wait a while (like 18 mo) before having plastics. As for insurance paying for a breast lift-they don't approve lifts unless a reduction is included and they don't approve any plastics for cosmetic reasons. Start documented with your PCP why a tt is medically necessary (rashes, back pain) etc...
   — Cindy R.

February 12, 2004
i really understand where you are coming from. my insurance will be changing soon too. i'm almost 6 months post-op and i have 49 pounds to loose to get to goal. i'm having my stomach, thighs and arms done next month. i was very very lucky in the way that i carried my extra weight. i carried it all in my butt and thighs. i have always had a well defined waist without any spare tire effect or rolls. i agree that the most ideal time to have reconstructive surgery is when you are at goal for awhile, but for some people this just isn't possible for them. i know i could NEVER afford to pay out of pocket for the things i need done. i'm not looking for a perfect body. i just want to look like a normal 31 year old woman with 2 kids. i saw my doctor yesterday and he said that because of my body shape even if i do loose 49 more pounds that i will not look deformed. i say if you have to chance to get your insurance to cover your reconstructive surgery before your time runs out...i would do it. i rather be lumpy than be stuck with lots of excess skin that i would never be able to afford to have thing i would keep in mind is that the reconstructive surgery you have now "might" not look so good when you reach goal. just be sure that you are willing to have a less than perfect outcome if you continue to loose more weight. i wish you the best of luck and i hope you keep in touch. [email protected]
   — franbvan

February 12, 2004
I am now 10 months post within 30 pounds of being at my goal weight and due to the rashes I keep getting ect. I am set to have a Tummy Tuck and a Breast Lift on March 15th. My doctor told me that I shouldnt have a problem with sagging skin ect after the surgery if I loose to my goal. He also told me that I will be almost at goal by the time they remove the excess skin ect. I wish you the best of luck. And Medicare does pay for the Tummy Tuck and Breast Lift it its medically needed for they are paying for mine. And the best thing is there is no preapproval waiting time.
   — Holly B.

February 12, 2004
I had an abdominoplasty and liposuction on my upper arms at 9 months post-op. I was 10 pounds from my goal weight. To get the best results, you shouldn't have plastic surgery until your less then 20 pounds from your goal weight. Maybe you could set up an appointment with a couple of Plastic Surgeons now and decide which one you want to lose. Once you decide who you want to use, then have them submit the paperwork to get the procedures approved. This will probably take a good couple of months which then gives you some time to lose some more weight before the COBRA runs out.
   — Patty H.

February 12, 2004
I had my wls on 2/27/02 and I had my tt/mr/br on 12/02/02 my insurance approved all of my plastic surgery and also covered my revisions and my ps gave me a buttlift when he did my revision's which was in March of 2003, I didn't have any rashes under my panni or my breasts, it must have been how far the skin is hanging, I am also going for an appt. next month to have a dogear removed that my ps didn't get all of, and I am also having him take pictures to see if he can get me approved for a thigh lift,and I was at goal weight when I had my plastic surgery !!!!and I am way under goal now!!:)
   — bikerchic

February 12, 2004
I had my breast reduction and lift 10 months post op. I was at 166 pounds which 150 was my original goal weight.Once I had the surgery i looked great...36 C...5 months later i lost another 40 pounds. So if you can imagin i realy have no boobs now...I'm a 32A cup now.(AND THAT IS A PADDED A CUP) That is from a D cup at my hightest weight. So i would realy wait as long as you can.
   — sarah C.

February 12, 2004
I've noticed that several of you have stated that insurance never covers a breast lift without reduction. This is not correct; it depends completely upon the policy. My insurance paid for my breast lift and I paid for implants, since after the lift I would have had nothing left. The insurance company determined that the lift was needed based on the level of ptosis (droop) I had. They had a formula and I more than qualified. They paid for abdominoplasty and inner thigh lift also. I did have my arms done before my 1-year mark; I paid for that myself. I was at my original goal size then, but to my surprise I went on to lose another 50 pounds after that! The rest of the reconstructive work was done right before my 2 year anniversary. While these surgeries do have cosmetic benefits, they are essentially reconstructive. It's a very important distinction to make. Good luck! hugs, Ann RNY 9/10/99 260/124.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 12, 2004
Unfortuatley, I had a severe hernia at 9 months out from my surgery. I was considered a lightweight and had another 40lbs to go before I was to goal. They did my original hernia surgery in Sept. 2002, then two months later had to re-do as I had a reaction to the mesh, low and behold, my insurance ended up paying for my tummy tuck the second go around and had denied it the first time. Although I had NOT reached my goal at that point, I went on to lose another 50 pounds and look fantastic with a tight tummy and my "T" incision looks great! Couldn't be happier. Good Luck! I hope everything works out for you!
   — Bea T.

February 13, 2004
I was just shy of my 10th month when I had my TT and arms done. Read my profile for all of the details. I should also note that I was still around 30 pounds over my goal (I think). I actually think I was about 60 pounds heavier than I am now (check around the 9th month to see the total loss). I did have my Tummy touched up in August when I had my body lift done, but that is mostly because of the scarring. I did notice that my skin was a little looser after I continued to lose, but I didn't have a hanging pouch or anything. Best of Luck to you! Sincerely, Mary Beth
   — Beffy W.

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