Advice, suggestion about diet exercise with pregnancy 1yr post-op

i'm 13 months post op and just found out i'm pregnant 6days ago. I have lost 5.5lbs since then any suggestion on diet, i was walking but i stopped and i try to eat and drink but my mouth waters so much and i seem to keep heartburn. any suggestion will be appreciated.    — deniece M. (posted on May 4, 2004)

May 4, 2004
I don't have any advice b/c I haven't been pregnant yet since my surgery but I read your profile & just wanted to congratulate you on #1 your WLS success & #2 your pregnancy. I know how hard it is with PCOS. I am excited for you!
   — klinzey

May 4, 2004
Go to This is a great group to get info about pregnancy after WLS. I've been a lurker member for a while because I'm hoping to get pregnant soon and want to know all I can. I feel that the members there are compassionate and knowledgeable.
   — Steph Elaine

May 4, 2004
It's common for most women (regardless of WLS) to lose weight the first several weeks of a pregnancy from morning sickness and nausea. Don't worry about it yet. Keep walking! This will help you in the months to come. I stopped my exercise and now wish I had kept it up, I'm hobbling around like an old woman! BTW, I am due on 5/22/04 so I'm at that miserable, please let me have this baby stage! Can't help you with the heart burn, never really had it. Try to get over to the Yahoo group - they have great info and support. E-mail me if you have any questions. And congratulations!
   — Ali M

May 7, 2004
Pregnancy and heartburn go hand in hand. Some women have found great relief with Papaya tablets-you can get them at any health food store. Talk to your OB/Gyn about it there are medication that can be taken in pregnancy.
   — Kerijohnson

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