Raising PS money - Selling a diamond

I gonna try to sell a diamond to raise the money for a Lower Body Lift. My friends own a jewelry store but are out on vacation so I can't ask this question of them. I understand the INS appraisal is replacement value but if I have gem that was appraised for 6500. in 1995, ABOUT what selling price am I going to get for it. Has the price of diamonds gone up or down since '95? Does the price differ in different area of the nation? Should I sell online or locally (Chicago area)? Is there anything I need to watch out for or be aware of?    — jocelyn (posted on June 18, 2004)

June 17, 2004
Wwe have a nice expensive one from my great grandparents. Looked into selling it several years ago when jen my widfe was off work on disability. $ was really tough back then. Anyhow the appraised values were a joke, what people pay for a diamond is a small fraction of its appraied value. Even on e bay you get nearly nothing. The $5000 ring might have sold for $600 and we kept it for that reason. Now this was OUR experience several years ago. I sure hope things have changed. The resell value of diamonds appears flooded with used ones. Apptrently purchasers want brand new ones. Even though they are all millions of years old. At least that was the explnation given us. We trusted our source but shopped for used diamonds just to see. They all sold real cheap.
   — bob-haller

June 17, 2004
My mom had a $6,000.00 diamond ring and they told her they would give her around $500.00, she took it to several jewelers and pawn shops. Not worth it.
   — ckreh

June 18, 2004
List it on ebay, setting the reserve price for the amount you MUST get for it.
   — Renee B.

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