How much surgars per day (per meal?) can weeat without dumping?

I had open RNY on 5/12/04 and I try to stay below 16 grams of sugar per day. MY doctor originally said that 16 grams of sugar per meal is ok, but I wasn't sure about that. I am also counting the sugars that are in foods,(I found a yogurt with only 7grams of sugar) even fruits. So, does anyone know for sure how many sugars per day we can have?    — prplgirl (posted on June 23, 2004)

June 23, 2004
It depends on each individual and their specific circumstances. When I first had surgery I really was afraid of sugar because I had a really bad dumping experience with it. Later I found that I could eat things with 16 grams or less with no problem. Now at 6 months out I still watch my sugar-I either eat sugar free, low sugar or I just eat a tiny portion. I don't eat sugar on an empty stomach either. Some people have no problem with sugar at all. Personally, I am glad that I have a fear of eating too much sugar because that is my demon. I like being free of the sugar addiction. Good luck to you!
   — Michele P.

June 23, 2004
It is an individual thing. I have to eat 3g or less or I will dump. Surgery 5/21/04
   — njcrom2

June 23, 2004
For me I watch where the sugar is coming from (Natural sugars verses refined sugars). I eat any fruit I wants. I also read labels carefully. I avoid things which have more than 5gms of sugar if the source of it is from fructose corn syrup, honey, sugar, etc. I have had a mini-snicker bar and haven't dumped on it, but I don't push it. Regardless of whether or not I will dump, I don't want to go back to the way I was eating before. I feel a lot healthier now.
   — jmusser

June 23, 2004
That is an ever changing thing and differs from person to person. I can eat up to 30 depending on the type of sugar. 30 of fruit sugar. 20 of most others. 15 of lactose.
   — mrsmyranow

June 23, 2004
Truthfully, you don't want to know. Many post-ops are very disappointed to find out they do not dump on sugar at all, in any amount. (stats say about 30 percent fall into this category). For others, you can train your body to accept more and more sugar without getting sick. At 4 mo post-op, I made the mistake of trying (just a gulp or two) a white choc mocha coffee at Starbucks. Major dumping!! But as time went on and I consumed higher and higher portions of sugar, I found that it took higher and higher amounts to make me ill. Today,at over 2 years post-op, I still have my sugar but try to self-impose the limit to under 15 grams per item, "try" being the operative word here. But too many want to "test" how much they can eat without dumping. I think its better to impose self-control at an early stage and stick to it. I don't count fruit sugars....
   — Cindy R.

June 23, 2004
This will change from person to person. Avoiding as much sugar as possible will help on the speed of your weightloss. You should look for yogurt that is sweetened with "splenda". A really good one is the new 3g Carbs by Dannon and an even better one is the CARB COUNTDOWN. It is only 80 Calories, with 4 Carbs, and 12 protein. Has only 1g sugar.
   — smoore_911

June 23, 2004
I can handle about 5 g per meal or I dump. NO cow milk period.
   — kultgirl

June 24, 2004
I was told less than 12 grams of sugar at one meal. I know I have had more than than because I make a cup of fat free milk with a teaspoon of no sugar added nesquik for extra protein every night and that has a little more. I have never dumped, except I started to on regular protein shakes. My doctor told me to stop trying them and get my protein from other things instead. I am not worried that I will dump on the sugar because I haven't really yet, but I am afraid that if I KNOW I won't dump that I'll start eating it. My ignorance about dumping is keeping me away from sugary foods. Julie - Lap RNY 3/17/04 341/272/165
   — Julie Rich

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