difference between tummy tuck vs belt lipectomy

I want to start looking for a Dr. for plastics but Im not sure which one I should look for a dr. who performs a tummy tuck or the full belt lipectomy with butt lift. By the time I have plastics i will have lost between 140 and 150 lbs. I started out at 280lbs at 5'1'' I looked in the library but didnt really find any thing. Thanks for any help.    — marcelle1070 (posted on June 29, 2004)

June 29, 2004
The PS will be able to tell you what you need and what he can do. Also, look at yourself and see what YOU think you need to have done and mention it to him. He will tell you if you REALLY need it or not.
   — Patty H.

June 30, 2004
I have been checking this out too. A good place to look is the University of Iowa Plastic Surgery site. Lots of before and after pictures. The tummy type procedures do only that area. A belt lipectomy will address tummy, butt, back, and outer thighs. It won't do anything for the inner thighs, that's a different procedure. It's not easy surgery! For one thing there is no post-op comfortable position.
   — PattyL

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