
Okay, this is really.. ehm.. embarassing, but I have to know something. I have DDD breasts still at 190 lbs., so I know I'll need a reduction for sure sooner or later. My question is this. Can the surgeon reduce your nipple size too? Otherwise, I'm going to end up all nipple and no boob!! I'd say they're a good three inches across. This may sound funny, but I was wondering. Thanks!    — mars.renee (posted on August 10, 2004)

August 10, 2004
Hi...yes they will reduce your nipples also...Mine were about 3-4" in diameter before my BR too, and the PS reduced them in porportion with my new breasts. They are probably the size of a 50 cent piece now. You will be SOOO happy with the results when this is done. I started out (before WLS) with a 46II, then lost the weight, ending up a 36G at 153lbs. I had the reduction, removing almost 4lbs, and am a nice 36C. It's so great to be able to wear tank tops without a bra and not worry about them falling out of the bottom LOL!! No more back/shoulder/neck pain, and everything fits better. Good luck to you! Denise 316/158
   — lily1968

August 10, 2004
I actually had a BR 10 years ago, before even thinking about WLS and they will make the areola (Brown area) smaller in diameter, but I don't believe they can make the nipple itself smaller.
   — Trescilla

August 10, 2004
I just had my breast reduction on August 4th, and I was a ddd cup, and now I am a c cup. Yes, my nipple is smaller, but I had to have a "free nipple graph" he had to remove the nipple completly and reattach it higher so the nipple area is brused, but nice size and the hanging weight being gone off my back already is great. My girls are so perky and the nipple is just the right size. Good luck with your breast reduction, it is well worth it.
   — cindy

August 10, 2004
Your nipples are 3 inches across or your areolas? I ask because if the do PS on your nipples you'll lose sensation I would think.
   — mrsmyranow

August 10, 2004
Sorry, I meant the areola, not just the nipple itself.
   — mars.renee

August 10, 2004
Hi Marcie, Denise Check out You'll find this site can answer alot of your questions. You don't always lose sensation. I didn't have a FNG (free nipple graft) and I have increases sensation actually. With the FNG, the cut the nerve cord to the NAC (nipple/areola complex) and that's when you lose sensation. The women at BHO are wonderful. I think you'll love the site. I did all me research there. Good luck again! Denise
   — lily1968

August 11, 2004
I also had BR 3 years ago. My nipple had to be remove and moved up I had 4lbs removed out of each one. I'm still waiting for feeling in my breast. I would never agree to removing the nipple if I could do it all over. Really I can't feel my nipple and if I do feel it it is painful. But I'm very pleased with the size and if I had feeling it would be even better. Good Luck and listen to your surgen he tells you all I just didn't listen I was so ready to have it done.
   — Kathy334

August 11, 2004
I had a breast reduction 9 years ago, for about 2 years afterward I had limited sensation in my breasts and no sensations in my areola area. Then it slowly returned I did have to go back and have some scar tissue removed about 4 years post op and that helped with the numbness in that breast. It was all well worth it. I had two more children after having the surgery and could only breastfeed from one of my breasts the other got clogged so I only nursed for a short time and has to wrap the clogged one so It would not hurt when I was nursing but now I have total feeling back and am waiting to get a breast lift now that I am down 106 lbs after WLS. both were well worth the trouble..going from a EE to a large C and now after loosing weight im in a 34B hope this helps you...take care and keep smiling..
   — Sue C.

August 11, 2004
Absolutly they can reduce you nipple and aereole size. I had a reduction back in 99 and my nips were enormous and now the are normal. Good Luck!
   — smmeow

August 11, 2004
Yes they will. Breast reduction is pretty awful if they have to remove the nipple completely. I was a K cup and now I am a C. The areolas were cut tremendously, but the scar tissue is bad with that type. You may not need that severe surgury. This is a drastic change for the average person, but those of us who have lost through GBP should have a good enough self-image to get through. I had it done in '96 and I don't regret it at all! Good Luck
   — Melissa M.

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