How many carbs do you take in daily?

What should it be? I think I am eating too many... I am 3 1/2 months post-op and I am still losing weight weekly but I am concerned about my carb intake. I have always been a carb-o-holic and would like to break that pattern.    — Splenderella (posted on February 18, 2005)

February 18, 2005
Get out the instructions your doctor or nutrionalist gave you, and follow them. Protein first, then water. You know all of this. There are a hundred people who would have been thrilled to have this surgery, and followed the instructions.
   — lindarodham6

February 18, 2005
I just saw my Dr 6 weeks post op, he said no more than 30 carbs per day. You have to remember that carbs could have been the reason you had to have surgery in the first place....please be careful...PROTEIN FIRST! :-) Good Luck!
   — Melanie W.

February 18, 2005
I don't really have the answer to this question. However, to the previous poster, my surgeon only emphasizes 60+ grams of protein, but does not specify how many carbs. Like myself, many people are not given specific nutritional values after this surgery. And that's probably a good thing, as we're all as different post-op as we are pre-op...some people can get away with certain things that others cannot. I was simply told protein first, then vegatables and fruits (which contain complx carbs), then simple carbs, that was the gist of it. To the person asking this question, don't beat yourself up because you're having trouble with the carb monster, many of us do during our journey. Although I'm over a year out, and well below my goal, I'm still experimenting with what works best for ME. It's a good thing that you're asking questions and becoming aware of what may or may not be working for YOU. Congrats and good luck on your continued success! Katie
   — Le P.

February 18, 2005
There's complex carbs that're good for you and then there's the crappy carbs that taste fantastic (!) and make ya fat. Don't lump 'em all together, that's like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Which kind are ya eatin'? ;-) Which kind were ya addicted to before?<P>OK, if these aren't totally crappy carbs but healthy ones, but yet you were addicted to healthy ones too and are afraid of that problem now . . . well, anything that reminded me of my pre-op eating . . . anything at all . . . was something I changed up after WLS and tried not to touch again until I hit goal. Sure enough, once I hit goal and touched it, it was still an addictive pain-in-the-butt, so . . . better off pitching it outta yer diet. There's lots of good stuff you can enjoy that won't set you off like that so go find it. ;-D<P>As far as "carbs" in general go, everybody's got a different weight-loss formula . . . I just tried to keep my protein grams ahead of my carb grams until I hit goal, and that seemed to work for me. It also forced me to make friends with lots of protein foods that I had pretty much ignored in my pre-op days, so that was good too.
   — Suzy C.

February 18, 2005
Thank you all for your posts... Linda, you sounded snotty in yours and I am not sure why. I didn't list I ate junk food or anything... I simply wanted to know what everyone's intake was, period. I eat less 55g or less a day... I have had no sugar, junk, potato chips or any of the bad stuff, I simply wanted to know what everyone else was doing. My nutritionist and doc didn't tell me how many carbs to have daily...they only stressed the protein which is always first on my list to eat. I feel very blessed to have had this surgery and am following what I am supposed to do but every now and then question what I am doing and feel this is one of the best place to ask...
   — Splenderella

February 18, 2005
My doctors program calls for 20 to 40 carbs a day. I've been wondering about fat grams. No one seems to worry about fat intake. I know that fried foods are an absolute no no on my pre op diet. Is there a set amount that we shouldn't go over in a day. And do we count the fat that comes with the protein that we have to eat, like chicken, tuna, cottage cheese towards the fat intake. Sorry about my rambling but you had a good question and it made me feel comfortable enough to ask about the fat. I too was a carbo holic and a chocoholic and don't eat bread or anything except sugar free peppermints to satisfy my sweet tooth from time to time. I am totaly amazed that I don't miss chocolate at all, the bread yeah giving it up was hard at first but losing the weight makes it worth it.
   — Lisa E.

February 19, 2005
I am to get minimum 56 grams protien, < 40 grams fat and was never told to count carbs. I always get at least that level of protein, sometimes a little over on fats, and around 110 - 120 gram carbs. Did you know the average american eats > 300 grams carbs a day, by the ADA recomendations of 60% of calories from carbs, on a 1200 calorie diet that would be aprox 200 grams a day. Don't take it seriously when people are lecturing, snotty, or holier than thou. They're not perfect either.
   — **willow**

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