When can I get my belly button pierced?

Hi All! I had an extesive tummy tuck at the end of January (about 4 1/2 months ago) where the PS gave me a new belly button. It's still a little pink but causing me no problems or pain or anything. I was just wondering when it would be safe to get it pierced? I'm 37 and this is probably the wildest thing I've ever done but I'm so excited! How much does it hurt? I work in an office and sometimes wear pantyhose - will it get stuck in those or my regular clothes? Thanks and have a great day!    — Yolanda J. (posted on June 9, 2005)

June 9, 2005
I have been thinking about getting my belly button pierced also. I had my tummy tuck 8/11/04, so I am close to a year post op. I was trying to wait for my incision around my new belly button to totally fade out. <p> My friend at work just had her belly button pierced last week. She said it hurt a little more than having her ears pierced. She got the bar type instead of the ring, so it lies flat. She says it rubs on clothes sometimes and told me is is still a little sore.
   — ckreh

June 9, 2005
I pierced mine about 5 years ago...fat and all. Anyhow, it really didn't hurt to have it done. What does hurt is the healing time, and that can be up to a year. It will not get hung up on panty hose, but the waist line on pants will aggrivate it. I eventually got fed up with the pain and only lasted 3 months with it in. However, due to my big ole belly and the fact that they pierced it with a barbell type ring, it wasn't big enough and started to go below my skin causing it to hurt more. That being said...piercing my navel will be the first thing I do after my TT heals. lol
   — RebeccaP

June 10, 2005
Ask your PS
   — MARSHA D.

June 10, 2005
I've been told you should wait from 3 to 5 months after your tummy tuck. Since your belly button is still red you may want to wait a little longer.
   — SJP

June 10, 2005
I just got mine pierced today, I had the LBL last sept. My PS has been encouraging me to do it since about 2 months post op.
   — **willow**

June 10, 2005
Here is my second post to this question. I decided to go and get it done today. After reading your question, the answer posts and talking with my friend who got hers done I couldn't wait til August like I was planning.<p>The pain wasn't that bad. When they clamped my skin to pierce it, that was a little more painful than the actual piercing. I think having my stitches, drains and staples removed from my tummy tuck were more painful than this. I am just a little sore. It looks so COOL! My DH says it looks sexy.<p>The piercing guy saw my belly button and said "Oh a fake one, you must have had a tummy tuck". He asked how long ago. I told him 10 months and he said that was good that piercing it would be no problem. He also said I was lucky because he has seen belly buttons after tummy tucks that were as much as 3 or 4" off center, almost near the hip.<p> I would ask the piercing person if they think it is too soon and also check with your surgeon too. Good luck. I definately feel like a thin person now.
   — ckreh

June 11, 2005
I was told to wait 6 months to a year, or else it could reject it and push it out. The girls I know said they would look at it and see if it was ok in a few more months.
   — Saxbyd

June 12, 2005
I had it done before my tummy tuck after I had lost 50 lbs, I had no problems with it at all. I got it done 3 months after my tuck and I rejected it. I tried it again after that one healed I think a month later. I thought the first one was'nt deep enough to begin with, so the 2nd time he did it deeper and it took about 3 months for my body to push it out. So I may try again in September that will be a year, but then again it is getting pricey. LOL.
   — Carrie W.

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