Now that my insurance has approved me for surgery, can I get a start on losing weight

by dieting? My surgery is set for October 19th and I am sure I won't be able to lose enough to not qualify for the surgery, but I was uncertain as to whether they can change their minds about paying if they see that I have lost weight before the surgery (from hospital records preop). I seem to be waffling between wanting to pig out and wanting to diet ...did any of you do that?? Oh and do I need to start taking chewable vitamins now? I am getting a transected RNY with 100 cm (proximal) bypassed by Dr. Ferrari in Houston. I am so excited and scared that I can hardly see am i going to make it until then? I'm going crazy now!!!hehe I love this site...and all of you have helped me so much...i really do appreciate that.    — SherP (posted on September 30, 1999)

September 30, 1999
   — [Anonymous]

September 30, 1999
Sher... Why bother? I thought the same thing when I was scheduled for surgery in March of this year. You have about 3 weeks until you have surgery! You will be on a diet for the rest of your life now, so my suggestion to you is EAT!!! Eat what you want! Eat lots of it! I had surgery March 22nd of this year, and have not watched what I eat, well with the exception of high sugar foods and high fat foods, just because my body no longer tolerates those things. I have lost 88 lbs to date, and feel better than I have ever felt in my life. I call it my 1/2 cup whether I like it or not diet! It works!! You are going to have to be so careful of what you eat after surgery, my suggestion to you now is to enjoy the next 3 weeks, and eat what you want! Eat your favorite food 3 times the week before surgery! Mine was Prime Rib at my favorite restaurant, and you know what? I can't stand the thought of it now! It's amazing the physical as well as the psychological affect this surgery has on you! I am a new person, and I am just 6 months post-op. Good luck to you with your surgery, and email me any time at [email protected]. My prayers are with you!
   — Lori D.

September 30, 1999
Sher, glad to have you on board.I too had the same doctor,Feb.of 99 was my special day.They won't change their minds.Enjoy your self I say, because your NEW way of life is just down the road.I was in the office just yesterday with a new friend I met on this same site.I was there to hold her precious baby while visiting the doctor.Please feel free to contact me, I would love to share what I can.You will be thrilled with your new (way) of life.Denise.([email protected])
   — Denise B.

September 30, 1999
I pigged out like there was no tomorrow before my surgery! Pardon the pun, but I felt like I didn't have anything to lose and ate anything and everything I wanted for two solid weeks. If you like steak, ribs, etc., eat 'em now. They may not sit so well for a long time. Good luck!
   — Margie V.

September 30, 1999
Losing weight would be helpful to you and your surgeon, improving your chances for a complication free recovery. I don't think the insurance company can later deny an operation they approved. Also very important, quit smoking 1 week at least before surgery to help your lungs.
   — Bruce B.

September 30, 1999
Hi Sher: Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. My pre-op policy was "No Regrets". I made a list of everything I wanted to eat before surgery, just in case I would never be able to eat them again. Then, I worked my way through the list. I didn't pig out on them, just ate them (in a one-last-time way! LOL) I visited all my favorite restaurants, and now I truly have no regrets about my pre-op eating. I think, knowing me, that if I had not done this, I would regret it now. I'd always want just one more piece of Rainforest Cafe's chocolate cake! (OK, I still want one more piece of THAT, but then I always will). Jaye Carl, open RNY 7-29-99, 52 pounds gone forever!
   — Jaye C.

September 30, 1999
Well .... I think I felt somewhat the same way, only everything happened so fast for me on my initial surgery that I didn't have time to think about anything, I was in the hospital before I had the time to go have my last supper! When I had my revision how ever ... I did make a point of going to my favorite restaurant in FL where I grew up and had a WONDERFUL meal that nite and treated myself the next couple days before I was admitted for surgery. Everyone does things differently, but ... if you're a big sweet eater, you might want to have one last hurrah of something decadent, because you likely won't tolerate sugars after your surgery. Best of Luck to you !!! Keep us posted on your progress!
   — Sherrie G.

September 30, 1999
Prior to my surgery I was anxious and nervous and I dropped about 3 lbs. but it had no effect on the outcome of my authorization. Since they (the insurance company) is really looking at a weight "range" I agree that you probably wouldn't lose so much weight pre-op to give them a reason to change their decision. Prior to my surgery I hadn't planned on being so anxious and I hadn't planned on losing those few pounds but it does happen. I didn't change my eating habits on purpose, I was just so busy thinking about the outcome. I wouldn't suggest "dieting" at this point because it would probably just put some added stress on you that you really don't need at this point. I also wouldn't go on an eating binge, either. Pretty much just stick with your same routine. My family thought I would go out and eat all my favorite foods but I really didn't feel like doing that. However, it IS an individual issue. Everyone is different and approaches their particular situation in their own unique way. If you are not taking vitamins right now, it would be a good idea to take them anyway. You don't necessarily have to take the chewables. Those are for post-op patients because they are not suppose to have anything solid (like a vitamin pill). Anyway, it can't hurt to get your vitamin and mineral intake where it should be. I wish you the best and hope all goes well. If you are interested in talking more, feel free to email me anytime. I am just 5 weeks post-op so I am looking for others to share thoughts with. Take care. Address: [email protected]
   — Talullah

September 30, 1999
I have to admit that I am one who decided to pig out and enjoy all my favorites just before my surgery. However, if you do that, be sure to eat really light a couple of days prior to surgery. I enjoyed the day before and was truly miserable for about 3-4 days post-op until my system started moving again. Good luck
   — [Anonymous]

October 1, 1999
My advice is ENJOY!!! I got my date about 1 month prior to surgery and I went a little nuts and decided I was going to eat as much of all of my favorite foods as I possibly could! I totally pigged out for the entire month--ate ridiculous portions of every "forbidden" food on my list, enjoyed all my favorite restaurants and meals. I even went to Red Lobster the night before my surgery (with my doctors blessing--he doesn't require any bowel preps or anything) and had all you can eat crab legs with all the trimmings! The surprising thing is with all this I didn't gain a single bound in that month of indulgence--don't ask me why or how because I have no clue, but it's the truth. I am really glad I did it too! I am 10 days postop today. I had no complications whatsoever so-far and am feeling great. I got on the scale this morning just out of curiosity and was shocked to find I have lost 21 pounds in 10 days. This is your time to say goodbye to your old favorite foods which believe it or not have been your good friends for a long time. You will be able to eat most of them again eventually but it's going to be a while and never again in unlimited amounts so...ENJOY!!! I don't think you'll be sorry..I know I'm not. Good luck to you!!!!!!!!
   — Cheryl W.

October 1, 1999
Hi Sher, I know how you are feeling. My doctor made us go on Medifast two weeks before the surgery. He said it would help during surgery if I lost a little weight and extra fluid. I am now almost two years post-op. I have lost 115 pounds, and would still like to lose 25 more. I really miss pigging out and wish I had pigged out more before the surgery. I will never be able to do it again. I hate going to Ponderosa or any of those buffet dinners, cuz I eat a little bit and get full. I feel like I am wasteing my money by not eating more. But I can eat a little bit of anything I want and never really have to diet again. As far as the vitamins. I think that would be a good idea, build yourself up alittle. Good luck with your surgery and email me anytime . [email protected]
   — Ellen M.

October 8, 1999
Sher, Yes I am so excited myself, just like you. I haven't got a surgery date yet. Lucky YOU!! I want this done YESTERDAY!! If you read my profile, you will get a better take on how impatient I am. You have a right to be excited about your new life and an impatience to live it. I try to pray for all of us everyday. You do the same, please. If you want to get started losing weight I would say "Go for it". But like others, I am waffling between wanting to do that and trying to eat everything that doesn't eat me first. I'll be so glad when those choices won't be available. I guess I'm an all or nothing kind of person, huh? :) E-mail me if you want, I'd love to hear from you!
   — Patrice E.

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