Post-ops--What "real" foods do you recommend starting with after the Pureed food

stage? This is my second post on the subject because I only received one reply!!! Please Help me with suggestions on foods that may be safer to try first. Thanks so much!!    — Dot W. (posted on October 31, 1999)

October 31, 1999
I am not sure if your doctor would agree, but here are a few things I was able to tolerate after pureed food: scrambled eggs, mashed pots., crackers, boiled chicken(I made sure I chewed it well first), rice, tuna fish, mac. and cheese, spagetti w/homemade sugar-free sauce, noodles, baked pots., any well cooked veggies. This is all I can remember. Hope I could help a little. Good Luck to you.
   — [Anonymous]

October 31, 1999
Diane,I too tried mashed potatoes,from KFC made me feel like I was going out to eat,somthing we must learn to adjust to.Cooked and mashed carrots,sweet potatoes,most squash,tuna/mayo/on crackers,soft cheese spreds.Home made vegie soup lots of soup,put you favorite vegies/chicken put in small containers and freeze,you will find this satisfies your taste buds and fills you up...Good luck...just keep trying new things just do it slow and small,but often so you don't get sick.....
   — Denise B.

October 31, 1999
Hi Diane: try broiled white fish, like cod or sole. Also, baked potatoes, mac and cheese, and refried beans from Taco Bell. Just go slowly, and only add one new food per meal. That way, if you have a problem, you'll know which food it was that caused the problem. I'm 3 months post-op, and I'm finding that I cannot tolerate foods now that I could eat a month ago, so it's an ongoing process, an adventure in eating! Be careful of breads, they are big trouble for a lot of people. The hardest thing for me to digest is anything that combines bread and eggs, like French Toast or a breakfast casserole. Good luck! Jaye Carl, open proximal RNY 7-29-99, down 68 pounds and STILL sitting on that plateau!
   — Jaye C.

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