How do post-ops drink their protein drinks HOT?

Even though I live in CA--I am having trouble not wanting to drink protein shakes everyday. I have been drinking my a.m. protein (2 scoops) with hot chocolate (no sugar added). I am now finding I only want warm drinks besides my water and feel I am using up too many calories on hot chocolate. I think the mix is 50 calories/cup. I have to have 4/day to get the minimum protein. I eat other protein sources, but want to get the minimum with supplement to avoid any deficiencies. Has anyone found another way to drink protein besides in hot chocolate and the cold shakes? I know it is doubtful--thanks anyway. Happy holidays!!    — Dot W. (posted on December 8, 1999)

December 12, 1999
I was surprised not to see any answers to you yet!! Here's something I try and like ... a scoop of vanilla or chocolate protein in a large mug of coffee ... kind of a cappuccino thing? The other thing I do ... you do also, and that's using no sugar added cocoa. You might also just mix your chocolate protein with hot water or stick it in the microwave, if you want it sweeter, add some equal to it? Just a couple ideas I came up with... hope it helps!!!
   — Sherrie G.

December 13, 1999
If you are willing to take your protien powder in a more solid state, you could mix it with cottage cheese, or ricotta cheese (no-fat varieties). You can add them to yogurts. If you get unflavored protien powders, you can mix them in soups (makes the soups thicker). There are no end of ways to get the protien in, but we have to think "outside the box" so to speak, and get creative. I have found that boring protien powders can be blended in cold water with fruit added to thicken them up a little. Hope these ideas help a little...
   — Alice G.

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