How does one keep from dehydrating during exercise?

Back when it was still physically possible to work out,I used to gulp down huge amounts of water after exercising. With WLS,the amount of fluid you consume is limited. What is the best way to end the thirst you feel after strenous activity? . $    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 1, 2000)

February 1, 2000
Instead of gulping all that water after exercising the best thing to do after surgery and probably before also is to constantly intake fluid before during and after working out. I usually bring a quart of water waking with me and drink it all before I am done. Then I start on another after. If I am doing a video I drink a large glass of water before and then fill it again to sip on during even if I have to pause the tape and march in place to have time to drink it. Then I drink more after. Much better than letting the body dehydrate for a whole hour and then trying to make up for lost time by chug a lugging a ton of water at once. ~:o)
   — Lisa O.

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