Member-Specific Derogatory Comments

It seems that there have been several postings on the Q&A board which have pointed out others' mistakes, disagreed in a disrespectful manner, and have had hidden sarcasm between the lines. This site is for support. We should not be attacking one another. We shouldn't be cluttering the database with useless data. If I could please offer a suggestion...if you notice a member make a mistake, email them privately if possible. Please don't possibly embarrass them by pointing it out to 5,000 plus members. If you vehemently disagree with someone, please take if off the Q&A board and email them privately. We are here to build one another up - not tear each other down. Attracting MDs to post on the Q&A board is of utmost importance and adds great value to this community. I'm sure they wouldn't want to participate in a forum that exhibits this kind of behavior. Obviously, if we've found this site, we're serious about WLS and want to share with and learn from others. Let's keep it on that level, please? Thanks.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on February 10, 2000)

February 10, 2000
I couldn't agree more! Well said and most certainly appreciated. I like to come here for information and encouragement...I don't want anyone to be afraid to post questions here for fear of being ridiculed or belittled. It takes a lot for some of us to just get the courage to post a question...we certainly don't need to have someone we look to for support try to humiliate us. Thank You Denise for putting into words what so many of us have been feeling!
   — SherP

February 10, 2000
Denise...couldnt have said it better my self.
   — Cheryl S.

February 10, 2000
I think this is a wonderful site and I have gained so much knowledge in the few short weeks I have spent here. I want to thank each and every one of you for being here and helping the new kids on the block. I do agree with what Denise has stated here and hope that we can keep this a positive place for all who come after us.
   — Carlene B.

February 10, 2000
Thank you, Denise. I feel hurt when someone makes remarks about anothers error. I personally am not perfect and am learning to be more tolerant of others. If I want others to be more tolerant of me, I feel that I must first set the example and am trying to apply this to other areas of my life. I certainly have a lot less anger in my life with this principle. It even works with road rage.
   — Anne L.

February 10, 2000
Thank your for expressing what I couldn't!
   — Martha O.

February 10, 2000
I have to agree. If you have a problem email in private and don't embarrass in public. Interesting that the posting directly under mine is from someone who posted a SAVVY email on caps(embarrassing) and is now pointing out, publicly I might add, someone else, by name no less(embarrassing). No one likes to be humiliated, especially on a website, and I agree more doctors would be nice, but, the most important thing is to support the people that are so much like ourselves. Take a little time to form your disapproval a little kinder and softer as Denise did. Most times we weight challenged people are already hurt and wearing our feeling on our sleeves. We deal with a world that has no place for us. EMAIL PRIVATELY --- Good idea Denise -- Thank you
   — Jen L.

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