Will vitamin B12 absorb sufficiently even when taken with other vitamins?

So many vitamins have to be taken alone or with specific other vitamins in order to get maximum absorption. Does anyone know if there are any "rules" for B12? Thanks for the help.    — Dot W. (posted on March 12, 2000)

March 12, 2000
Please feel free to email to me your mailing address in order to receive a free copy of our Oral Absorption Journal discussing B-12 absorption and intrinsic factor with many oral absorption references. James Redden KareMor Spray Vitamins website: email: [email protected] (American Society for Bariatric Surgery exhibitor)
   — James R.

March 12, 2000
It was my understanding that most of us who have had this surgery take our B12 by injection at monthly intervals for the long term. The area where B12 is absorbed is very early in the intestinal tract as I understand it and any "oral" administration of B12 is unlikely to be sufficient. At present I visit my PCP for this but down the road I plan to learn to give it to myself and do it that way as many gastric bypass patients do.
   — Carol M.

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