Please Help! I'm six weeks post op (still on pureed/soft foods) and I'm always hungry

Please help! I'm six weeks post op open proximal rny (still on pureed/soft foods) and I seem to always be hungry. I very very rarely feel that "full" feeling. I'm worried that something might be wrong and that this operation won't work for me. I have lost 35 pounds and I'd like to start exercising but since I have wound complications my doc won't allow me to yet. I don't want to have gone through all of this for nothing. I'm afraid when I start to eat regular food I'm going to be able to eat the same as before or that I'm going to overeat and break my staple line. Does anyone else feel hungry alot? Thanks for the input.    — prissb (posted on March 12, 2000)

March 12, 2000
It sounds like Ava, and Jaye C. gave you real solid advice. Six small meals a day, about every two hours. Protein first. Sip a lot of water daily. At least 32 oz. I do 64. A carnation instant breakfast in the Morning with three tablespoons of instant nonfat dry milk , will give you about 34 grams of protein and get you started off great for the day. Once you get to real food, like eggs, tuna, cottage cheese ( which you can puree) it is much easier to get your protein. I/1 cup of tuna , with light mayonaise is 28 grams. of protein. My Doctor had me walking right in the hospital . I would reccomend this and no other exercise to avoid hernia. He said no exercise but walking to well after six weeks. I hope this helps. Keep your chin up Carin
   — C S.

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