For Post-Op Proximal RNY Patients

Do high-fat and/or greasy foods make you dump as well as sugars? Thanks.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on March 15, 2000)

March 15, 2000
Denise, My husband and I eat out ALL the time and I am sure I have eaten something I shouldn't have as far as high fat is concerned but I haven't dumped from the food I have eaten. I know I should cook at home more often but I am usually too tired after work to cook...I guess I need to get with Vicki Bowen and get some of her good advice. I would suggest you stay away from high fat foods for better weight loss results!!!!!(kinda like "Do as I say and not as I do"...hehe) VICKI HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HEHE
   — SherP

March 15, 2000
Sher P ...Help is in your mailbox ;-)
   — Victoria B.

March 15, 2000
That was a good one Ava, I could just picture you in that commercial, that made me laugh, thanx I needed that, Debi :)
   — Debi K.

March 15, 2000
Denise, I was told by my surgeon and have found it to be true that I won't dump, per se, from eating a high fat meal, but I do pay for it later by cramps and diarreah. My nutritionist gave me both a protein gram amount and a fat gram amount to watch for- the protein to get more in and the fat to get less. My fat gram amount is no more than 9 grams of fat per meal, and to try and stay between 22 and 34 grams per day. I find if I do 10 grams in a meal, I become uncomfortable later. How much more than 9 grams indicates how uncomfortable I become! Also, these amounts are different for everybody! The nutritionist from my Dr. office uses individual body types and needs to come up with both the protein amount needed per day as well as the fat amount. A note here: I also had my gallbladder put and I have heard you need to cut fat intake after that whether you have WLS or not, so that may be why I react to higher fat the way I do. Good Luck
   — M B.

March 15, 2000
Denise, Seems that I am the "odd man out" so to speak as far as dumping from high fat meals go. LOL I dump horribly if I eat food that is loaded in fat. For example, if I eat bacon or sausage, I dump. Actually, anything that is fried,greasy or the like makes me dump. Along with anything high in sugar too. So, that is my punishment when I eat the stuff I'm not supposed to. And my body does let me know when it didn't like what I fed it =) Hope this helps...Marni
   — Marni

March 16, 2000
Greasy foods do make me sick, but I don't know if that is a dumping reaction. I thought dumping had to do with sugar entering your blood stream too quickly? If I eat something greasy, the reaction is a little delayed, maybe 30 minutes, and I get symptoms similar to an irritable bowel attack, cramps, diarrhea, nausea, etc. Obviously, this keeps me away from fatty foods!
   — Lynn K.

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