My date doesn't show on date page - Help!

I have filled out the "I've got a date" form. My date still won't show up on the New Date Page. How do I make this happen? I have waited a long time to be able to say "I've got a date!" :-) I really want to see it posted with everyone else's. (June 21st, by the way.)    — Shirley P. (posted on June 4, 2000)

June 4, 2000
Congratulations, Hope! I don't have an answer to your question....(sorry)...but I certainly can understand why you are anxious to post it. Waiting for approval and to get a date is just so awful, when you finally get one you want to shout it from the rooftops. It won't be long now.
   — Anne G.

June 4, 2000
Anything I update, I have found, will not show up, until I hit "refresh" on the computer..... only then will it show my changes.
   — Karen R.

June 5, 2000
All you have to do is go to your page and push down the control button at the bottom of you keyboard and at the top of your brower you will see a "Refresh" button click that with your mouse button at the same time you are pushing down your control key. That should do it. :o)
   — Michelle B.

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