can you still lose all your weight without dumping syndrome?

For those of you who don't experience dumping syndrome, do you feel you've been losing weight at the same rate as those who did develop an intolerance to sugar, the dumping symptoms? I'm 1 month post-op and don't get the dumping syndrome, believe me I've tried. Now I feel very upset and worried I won't be able to lose all my excess weight without this "built-in control". Any advice??    — LKS B. (posted on August 31, 2000)

August 31, 2000
YES! YES! YES!!! But I am ashamed to say that I have pushed to find my limits more than once. And I don't dump at all. I just get a little ache in my stomach if I eat too much sugar. Down 97#'s in 7 months...
   — S S.

August 31, 2000
I had open rny distal April 13 & have never dumped. I have lost 99# since surgery. I think 99# in 41/2 months is very good! I still have a ways to go-another 85# is my ultimate goal & I think I have a really good shot at making it. Now, I have to say that I've never TRIED to make myself dump & don't really understand why one would WANT to. Except maybe just to know... I have eaten small amounts of sugar, have drank orange juice with protein mixed in and once had a small piece of cheesecake with cherry topping without problems. BUT, I do not eat like this regularly at ALL! I eat next to no sugar on a regular basis. My Dr said, and I believe him, that eating sugar makes you crave more sugar. I also believe it's not healthy for me and I want to become healthy. That was a really big part of my doing this surgery. I want this to be a success & I'm doing all I can to make that come true. Also, I think you will find that if you go without sugar for some time, you will lose the taste & craving for it. Sugar no longer has ANY hold on me! And I was a major candy-eater! No way I would risk sabotaging my fantastic progress for something so unimportant! As I've seen many people remark, WLS is a tool. It's a great tool, one that has allowed me to change my life, but still just a tool & I think we all have to make a conscious decision as to how we're going to use that tool. I think that being only one month post op, you can get a handle on this now, but if you don't get a handle on it, it might become a problem down the road. I hope everything goes well for you & that I didn't come across as too preachy.
   — Kathy W.

August 31, 2000
I had open RNY 1/13/00. I was 100 pounds overweight to begin with. I have lost 86 pounds so far. I have been scared to really try alot of sugar. I wasn't a sweet eater to begin with. Since Jan. I have had maybe 3 bites of a dessert and only after I had eaten a meal. I have had a couple of sips of sweet tea, only after have eaten. The only time I feel bad is when I've tried to eat fried chicken which has only been twice since surgery. It makes me feel nauseated and hurt, just uncomfortable.I have never experienced the sweats, diarrhea,etc. Do I dump? Not like what's been described. Have I lost well? Yeah I think so. I'm about 10 pounds from goal. I wear 8's and 10's now( was in 22's). I haven't been this small in 13 years. I'm scared at the thought of dumping. so I guess just knowing it might happen has given me the willpower to stay away. As most have said, we've got to learn to eat better and make better choices. I read every label now and if sugar is one of the first 3 ingredients, I don't eat it. So use the wonderful tool and learn to change your eating habits. Lou Ann
   — Lou Ann J.

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