(not a question) Info on calcium and women

TAKEN FROM THE WEBSITE: AMERICAN NUTRITION JOURNAL: ********************************************************** Low-fat diet, other factors affect calcium absorption in pre- and perimenopausal women Considerable interindividual variability exists in calcium absorption, potentially affecting the development of a number of chronic disorders. Wolf et al. studied a group of 142 healthy women ages 45 to 53 who were either pre- or perimenopausal. Fractional calcium absorption rates were measured and then analyzed for their relation to a number of dietary, lifestyle, physiological and genetic factors. The study concluded that dietary fat, dietary fiber, serum concentrations of vitamin D, and alcohol consumption are all independent predictors of calcium absorption. However, the strongest association was found in the proportion of dietary fiber and fat that the subjects consumed. Women with the lowest-fat diets had 19% lower fractional calcium absorption than women with the highest-fat diets. The authors hypothesize that fat may increase calcium absorption by slowing the transit time of the mineral and allowing longer contact with the absorptive surface of the intestines. They suggest that additional individual evaluation of calcium absorption performance be done before making calcium intake recommendations.    — kathy S. (posted on September 30, 2000)

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