How much sagging skin did you have after a 100 lb + loss?

Hi, I am 350 lbs and I will be having Open RNY soon, Hopefully!! I was wondering how much sagging/extra skin did you have all over your body? Please tell me the details, if you don't want to post it publicly you can send it to my e-mail : [email protected]. I would also like to see pictures if you have any, THANKS!!    — imano1momy (posted on October 3, 2000)

October 3, 2000
I have lost 92 lbs in 5 months. I weighed about the same as you pre-op and have not had a problem with sagging skin yet. I am 32, and my surgeon said my age would be in my favor. I hope I can report the same after the next 92 lbs. If not, then I'm off to see the wizard!
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 3, 2000
I know you said 100+, but I also have lost 93 pounds in 5 months. At first, with the rapid weight loss, I did notice some sagging in inner thighs and tummy area. I am 33 years old and had a baby two years ago. I am now 16 pounds away from my goal weight. I have seen the skin, even the tummy area, tightening up and reducing in size since I started exercising (nothing too major, just walking about 2-3 miles a day at a brisk pace). I hope this helps you.
   — Beth B.

October 3, 2000
Jessica: Tomorrow will be my one year anniversary from laparascopic BPD/DS. I'm thrilled to report 140 lbs lost, wonderful energy, perfect bloodwork and MASSES OF REDUNDANT SKIN! Now don't get me wrong, I'd rather have hanging skin than 140 lbs of fat, but I've had 3 consults with plastic surgeons, and my first priority is my arms and breasts, then a full body lift. I was 360 lbs at 5'11", am now 220, and told that surgery should take off another 30-40 lbs. I'm 52 yrs old and my worse areas are my arms and thighs. I have other BPD/DS friends who are at a similar stage and we all carried our fat differently -- one has a very large pannus, another massive thighs, and I'm the batwing princess. Reconstructive surgery is a priority for all of us. But I'm looking forward to having a body that I can be proud of!
   — Jill L.

March 5, 2001
Well, I'm now off to see the wizard! I am down 143 lbs, and the skin is everywhere! I have been faithful to exercise, and it has not helped with loose skin, only to continue my weight loss. I'm having several consults, the first is on this Thursday. Wish me luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 6, 2001
Jessica ... I have lost 125 pounds in almost 11 months and have an apron around my middle you could hide a small child under. But then again, I'm 44 years old, had two babies, gained and lost and gained and lost and gained and (well, you know how it goes) about 150 pounds, so it ain't gonna snap back anymore. In my Aquafit class, I am a danger to myself and others. I'm off to see my PCP tomorrow about a referral to a plastic surgeon to get nipped, tucked, and tightened. With clothes on, I don't look all that bad, but off ... got that Sharpei thing happening. I figure the tucking is just the last step in the process.
   — Cheryl Denomy

March 6, 2001
I'm down 160 pounds, at goal weight. My pannilectomy & hernia repair is scheduled for next month. My plastic surgeon suggested pec inserts while he was "in the area" so I'll have a built-in washboard.
   — blank first name B.

March 6, 2001
I weighed 350 when I had my surgery almost 11 months ago. I have lost 160#. I do have a problem with excess skin, too. I'm 46 years old, 5'9", & want to lose another 30# or so. I'm a little surprised my stomach isn't worse. It's probably my least-bad area. I do have a small roll, well, not really a roll , more really just loose skin, over my hip bones. My breasts aren't TOO bad, altho I'd prefer they were farther North, still not too bad. My worst problem is my inner thighs & upper arms (my batwings). I also seem to be developing a bit of a wattle in the throat area. The butt's pretty loose, too. I won't be wearing a swimsuit without a skirt at this rate or a sleeveless top. However, I did just buy my first pair of size 12 pants & believe me, It's all worth it!! Plastic surgery is probably out of the question for me unless I win the lottery, so guess I'll just have to get used to it & be happy with how much healthier I am & how much better I look with my clothes on!
   — Kathy W.

February 12, 2002
Jill: I just read your response to this post from 2000: That you had MASSIVE amounts of redundant skin! Not anymore, girlfriend! :) Congrats to you! All the best,
   — Teresa N.

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