Is it ok to add fruit to your protein drink? I like to add bananas and strawberries,

but I dont know if these fruits will add on extra pounds...I also like to put a little orange juice in the blender too...Will this slow my weight loss down?? All answers greatly appreciated...    — Ang B. (posted on April 25, 2001)

April 25, 2001
I've heard people in my local support groups talk about this.. many do.. but in limited amounts to make sure they can tollerate it.
   — Dawn R.

April 25, 2001
Adding fruit or juice to your protein shake may make it more palatable, but do be cautious of the fact that you ARE adding calories to it by including those things. Yes, you are adding some nutritional value, but calories also. Weight loss is directly correlated with calorie intake.. LOL. If it's the ONLY way you can get your protein in, then, by all means go for it! If you can drink your protein without the extra fruit - all the better. My personal preference is to stay away from juice if at all possible. Juice really doesn't have that much nutritional bang for the calorie buck. At least with the fruit you are getting in some much needed fiber! There are several protein drinks that are pretty tasty without adding fruit - Proscore 100 is one. Also, you can try adding some non-calorie items to your shake - maybe use crystal light instead of juice, or add cold decaf coffee and ice to a chocolate protein drink, sprinkle on some cinnamon and have a "latte!" Good luck!
   — BethVBG

April 25, 2001
I had 1/2 frozen banana and 1 tbls of peanut butter to vanilla powder. Yummy and extra protein also.
   — Crystal B.

April 25, 2001
And there is a sugar free Tang, too. OJ is awfully high in sugar, so I agree with those who went before. But if you decide to add a few frozen berries to it, hold onto your socks, because that makes my PS100 chocolate into a precious delicacy! Yum!
   — vitalady

April 25, 2001
Another way to add to the flavor is to add a tablespoon of sugar-free pudding. It makes it creamier and whatever flavor you add. I can't stand chocolate protein drinks, but vanilla with a spoonful of sugar-free pudding is delish. Butterscotch is killer. Have fun!
   — blank first name B.

April 26, 2001
I should have been more clear. Add a tablespoon of sugar-free pudding MIX, not already prepared. sorry!
   — blank first name B.

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