Anyone afraid to eat

I am post op 5 days and afraid to eat. My doctor sent me home and said to stick with soft, easy to digest foods. I thought I was doing that but my insides won't stop talking to me. I am hungry, I think?? I am nausated all the time, and can't sleep...Help or advice would be greatly appreciated    — Tricia V. (posted on May 23, 2001)

May 23, 2001
I was very afraid to eat I was so afraid that things were going to make me sick and throw up and with a Open this was the last thing I wanted would be throwing my guts( literally ) up You are only 5 days out so you should be eating very little concentrate on soups and jello , cottage cheese, refried beans scrambled eggs things that are easy to digest..slowly add food one new food a day I lived on crackers ( nibbled on them 1 would last me a long time) Try and relax and take this day by day each day will become easier Crystal lite Lemonade is great keep your fluids up don't worry about the food You won't starve to death and stop before your full let the bite hit your stomach see how it feels before the second spoon full
   — Kathleen M.

May 23, 2001
Hi Tricia, I am so very sorry that you are not feeling well right now. You are sooooooo newly post op--it really does get better. Right now I would concentrate on liquids-and give your new tummy time to heal. Maybe when it's talking to you it's saying it does not want food right now.(?) I would try Diet V8 splash, diluted gatorade, crystal light, bouillion, other soups, sugar free jello, popsicles and fudgsicles, diet swiss miss, etc. You will find many differing opinions on this site as to their surgeon's post op instructions. Mine said to only have liquids for the first 2 weeks. It was tough, but I followed his instructions to a T. I wanted to let my tummy heal. When I added soft foods (cottage cheese, eggs), that is when I had my first vomiting episodes, but I was already 2-3 weeks out and so my incision was well healed. If the nausea doesn't subside soon, call your surgeon and ask for some compazine or other antinausea med. You have taken a courageous step to improve your health. I promise you things will get better and in a few months, you will be encouraging others with your experience. Take Care!!
   — Shelley.

May 29, 2001
Hi Tricia. Just to let you know, I am 6 weeks post-op and my insides STILL talk to me. I have never heard such gurgling and grumbling! I was...and at times still am afraid to eat. But, you will know when and how much. Start off slow, chew well! At 5 days I was still on liquids...sugar free stuff like popsicles, jello, broth, water, juices. My surgeon did not have me on soft foods until 2 weeks post-op. Then it was yogurt, applesauce, mashed potatoes and mashed veggies and fruits. Good luck!
   — Karla B.

April 13, 2002
hello, i am 4 days postop today. My stomach and intestines are talking because they are waking up from the anesthesia. It takes up to a week for them to fully metabolize the anesthetic, thats why the nurses listen to your belly for bowel sounds. I am not very hungry and have to make myself consciously eat the instant breakfast and drink the fluids etc. i love the Jolly Rancher SF gelatin, it is very tasty. Kepp your chin up, I couldnt sleep either, but each day gets better and better. the first day home i slept an hour at a time, you just have to keep on doing it; last night i slept 4 hrs at a time, and as the pain gets better, you'll sleep longer too. Your anxiety level may be making you nervous and nauseated. I agree, talk to your doctor or nurse!!! they will help you!!! good luck, we are thinking of you
   — Nancy D.

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