I am writing a proposal for Wa. state senate mandating coverage for morbid obesity.

I would like to know which states other than Ohio, Indiana and Georgia have passed such mandates. If anyone knows this info about their home state, would you please post!I am using this info in my appeal letter. And a special "Thank you" to everyone here who offers their support and encouragement to my postings as well as to others! It is much appreciated!    — lovebug2 (posted on July 28, 2001)

July 28, 2001
Hi Bethann, I am from Ohio and I do not believe that we have such a law. I would definitely double-check this before I submitted it as fact. Fortunately for me, I was covered 100% by insurance. For other Ohioans who are not so fortunate, maybe this will be helpful news for them. I wish you much success on your journey. Shelley
   — Shelley.

July 28, 2001
I have an article from the Georgia House of Representatives To pass the bill Article 1 of chapter 24 of the Title 33 of the Offical code of Georgia The date on this bill is 02/17/98. page number 1/2/3/ Code sections 33-24-59.1. Hope this will help the people from Georgia.This is to require health insurers to provide coverage for the treatment of morbid obesity when medically indicated.
   — [Anonymous]

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