
Hi everyone I am a year post op and I eat like all day as long as I am awake its just like I am always hungry I have not gained any weight but I have not lost anymore either I am currently at about 155 from my start which was 253 I would like to get down to like 135 any tips on what I should be doing to continue to feel full through out the day so that I can stop eating all day also is it possible that I will get down to like 135 since it has been a year I am kind of nervous that my pouch is stretching since all I want to do is eat is there a way that the doctor can check that please help I appreciate the support    — JENNIFER S. (posted on January 20, 2005)

January 20, 2005
There is a way your doc can check, but more likely it's just your pouch reaching it's normal "mature" size which is a good bit bigger than initially. (At three years out I eat the same portions as my thin friends who watch their weight). When I got about a year out I felt like I wanted to eat all the time. I had to figure out what made me hungry, and what kept me full. The pouch rules for dummies article really helped me, especially the advice about when to drink. The second thing that was a real life saver was the South Beach Diet book. The first couple of chapters really explained why I was always craving something and how to control it. In a nut shell, the main things that help me are not drinking with meals, filling up on dense protein (not stuff like yoghurt which leaves me starving 10 minutes later) and avoiding anything make with white sugar or flour. Also, starting the day with protein really helps all day long. You can do it! You're just starting a new phase and will need learn some new strategies.
   — mom2jtx3

January 20, 2005
Good advice from Linda! I too, am a year out post op and I too, seem hungry all the time. I am finding though that I'm still losing weight regardless of how much or often I'm eating. I'm thinking that it must be my metabolism finally working?? Good Luck! Kathleen
   — kathleen-Joan piper

January 20, 2005
It's time to join the Grad list. No guarantee that you'll get the rest of the wt off, but there's also the trick of maintaining the loss you have achieved. There is a lot of combined long term experience on this list and I'd recommend it in conjunction with this site and any local lists you use. Grazing can be deadly to our whole program. Can you eat every 2 hours, but with definite space between meals?
   — vitalady

January 21, 2005

   — SpyderS

January 22, 2005
Thanks everyone for the support I really really needed that I have a doctor's appt on the the 9th of February and I do believe part of my eating is do to depression being that my husband is gone to Iraq but I was kind of thinking that I was not depressed and taking it well but maybe I am just in denial also I have been away from my wtls buddies and my support groups as the article above said so it may just be a combination of everything but I surely hope that I have not stretched my pouch but when I go to the doctor I will discuss everything with him and see what he suggest thanks again for the support and being there

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