4 lb weight gain

I had my surgery on 11/2/05, so I'm a little over a month and 1/2. I lost 40 lbs during that time. However, I weighed myself today and saw a 4lb gain. I am expecting my period on Christmas and I just needed to reassure myself that this is water weight gain. I've been doing the protein, vits, water etc.. 600-800 calories a day. Have any other women had this problem?    — col381 (posted on December 21, 2005)

December 21, 2005
I wouldnt worry about it hun, it's probably the period thing. My doctor just told me yesterday that your weight can very like 5lbs in a day. So don't worry. Everyone is different...I had my surgery Sept. 2, 2005 and I've only lost 52lbs so far so you're doing great. Keep up the good work and try not getting on the scale too often.
   — Franca

December 21, 2005
3 weeks ago I had my period and gained 10lbs . I cried like a baby . And then didn't lose it afterward so I cried some more. I just got on the scale again an low an behold I lost the 10 an 5 more so what I'm saying is its OK. It will come an it will always go it just your body dealing with hormones an stuff
   — amygirl

December 21, 2005
I agree with the others; don't worry about the 4 lbs. as they will go away soon. If you are due your period that is be best bet on why you have gain the weight. You are doing fantastic; keep up the good work! My surgery knocked my period off by four months; was sorta hoping it was gone forever, lol. Don't give up this is a wonderful learning experience and you will have your ups and downs along the way. Just keep up the good work. Laural (Surgery 6-28-05) HW-313, SW-292, PW-215
   — Laural D.

December 21, 2005
I have the same issue, water wieght during period. I gain two to three pounds right before and then is goes away
   — a dime + change

December 28, 2005
Good grief....not enough caloric intake it sounds like to me. Did you have the RNY? I've heard they HAVE to pretty much diet the rest of their lives. My cousin does....she gains it back lickety split. I eat what I want when I want it, I jut don't WANT it. LMAO...I need to eat more too since I don't absorb much, but it's hard at times to get 100 gms protein in! Your issue could also be water retention telling..... Try not to panic! Should all work out....It just seemed like you weren't getting enough calories to me!!! Bless,
   — T S.

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