I lost 200 lbs and in the last 6 months I have gained 40 lbs.

I know that I am snacking in leiu of eating meals but I had been really doing that to begin with as meals would make me ill so I ate small amounts 6-8 times per day and I am still doing that but know I am gaining.My choices of food are probably more in the carbohydrate group but I am still eating nuts/cheese for protein. Do I need to go back to protein only?    — RebeccaAlex (posted on April 17, 2008)

April 17, 2008
Rebecca, You have done so well, so don't give up on yourself at this date in time. First, try to eat 70% of your total calories each day in Protien. Then you want the balance to be mainly fruit and vegatables. You should try to check your food calories to see that you stay around 1000-1200. This means than most carbs should be skipped. There are complex carbs, like brown rice, whole grain whole wheat products, and whole wheat pasta's. Fast food is something that will get you in trouble, so as hard as it is to eat out, stay away from fast food. Try to reduce the number of meals to three with first say two snacks of 1-2 oz of nuts, whole grain crackers and low fat cheese, or part skim cheese. Make sure to log for a week all you eat, and use a site like There are free ones, but this one charges $9.00 per month, but you only need to do it for a few weeks to get a grasp on what is putting you over the top. What is good about a site like this is they have all the lable infor for you and you just have to pick the item and the quanity you ate. be sure to measure and weight everything during this test, and you will see the weight come back off. Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

April 17, 2008
Rebecca, you are grazing! That's probably the worst thing you can do to maintain your weight loss. You would be surprised how it adds up and your head keeps telling you you aren't eating much. On top of that you are eating carbs which makes you retain water and makes you crave more carbs. I don't want to sound harsh but you have to stop what you are doing immediately if not sooner. Your diet should be somewhat Atkins-like and the closer to all protien the better. Also, get in your water. At the most you should be eating 3 small meals and 2 really small snacks (like and apple) every day. I recommend It doesn't cost anything and you can track your intake every day. You will be very surprised how much you are consuming. Good Luck and please turn this around or you will be very unhappy. You have come too far and worked too hard to let it all go!
   — jannmyers

April 17, 2008
WOW, I really think u know the answer to ur question...smiles...this is a lifetime committment so get focused and back on is very obvious that u can do it after losing 200 ur protein like ur suppose to...and leave that NO NO food alone...smiles...u can do it....we all can...
   — txblonde

April 17, 2008
I lost 176 pounds and gained back 40. I tried everything there was to a diet. Even fruits put weight on me because it has natural sugar. I have lost all I gained plus ten extra pounds. I learned to stay busy all the time. I am very active all the time. when I start to feel hungry I usually grab a vitamin water and it takes away my hunger for another couple of hours. As you graze you can find foods that you can eat all over again. What I did was write the food down that made me sick after the surgery and I never touched it again. If you are drinking soda which is a big NO NO even later on down the line, it also will add a lot of weight to you. I have the will power of an iron horse. I have been post op for almost 9 years and have learned that you have to diet the rest of your life to keep your weight off and that is exercising also. Good luck!!
   — nascar_angel_3_2003

April 17, 2008
your messing with your new and improved plumbing and you know what to do! Get the junk out and the right stuff back in... Cheese is high fat and you know that, nuts are high calorie and you know that...Back to calorie counting for a while til you get back on track sounds reasonable. You haven't come all this way to prove the system wrong...Come on we are all in this together ...prove the gift is worthy of being given!!! Maybe you need to find a new and improved addiction....( i think we all do) what else...maybe origami...( one flying crane for each snack session...Just kidding but you know what I mean...) Re enlist beautiful...Spring is here and time to freshen up your program...LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 17, 2008
Rebecca, it sounds to me like you are eating too much over all, and that you are thinking you are hungry when you are not, or choosing better proteins may help you. If you are gaining, you have to make an adjustment, whether it is food and exercise, or just exercise. If you are not exercising, food along will not do it. It will always be about diet and exercise, so I encourage you to talk a walk, drink a quart of water, and have a good day! Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

April 18, 2008
I am almost 3 months out. While I haven't had any regain yet I did want to reply to some of the answers that were given. My doctor told me to keep snacks available for myself like cheese sticks, nuts, veggies, etc. Someone said to stay away from them but I was told to eat them for the protein and for snacks. The only other bit of advice is to eat lots of protein. I was told to eat 70% protein. As fas as the no no foods, I was also told not to completely avoid carbs but to choose wisely and not eat more than 10-15 grams at a meal. I'm not saying that anyone else is wrong but I was just told that by my surgeon. (and of course lots of exercise) God bless!! Angie
   — Sillyguts

April 18, 2008
You are doing the exact same thing that I did. I have stopped the snacks. I am amazed at how much I fool myself by thinking I am hungry when I am not. I freeze Chrystal lite in old fashioned ice trays and suck on those when I think I am hungry, it is amazing how all the sudden I am not hungry anymore, hmmm guess I wasn't hungry in the first place! I had to start over with the basics like everyone has already told you. Protein first, veggies second and fruit last (i'm am usually too full for the fruit). I am back to 3 small meals a day with a very small snack in between. NO sugar, NO white carbs, NO Soda or fizz of any kind. A lot of chrystal light ice cubes and water. We are all in this together, just at different stages. We are all addicts and just when we start telling ourselves that we aren't we slip into bad habits that feel comfortable.You can do it!! We can all do it!! Remeber, positive self talk helps too.Take care!!
   — Annie P.

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