Does anyone know about Pumkin seeds in the shell.

Calorie count? Protein, nutrients etc.? Are they a good snack food?    — pjwinslow (posted on October 30, 2008)

October 30, 2008
check this out
   — urbrat2

October 30, 2008
I read where pumpkin seeds were a good source of protein and lower in fat that most nuts, so I bought some. I didn't read the package very carefully at the store - everything read good and the salt was 40 mg. Then, when I got home I noticed there was an asterik beside the sodium - I found the extremely small print and read that the 40 mg was if you took the shell off! If you left the shell on, the sodium content was 900+ mg! Just try taking the shell off the roasted pumpkin seeds! That was a joke! So, I went to the health food aisle at the store and found some shelled unroasted, unsalted pumpkin seeds - I believe one serving was like 1/4 cup - but that really is a lot - they are super chewy and crunchy, and last longer than other nuts - so, if you do get some, be sure they are not roasted - and see about the ones without the shell - although they will last longer if you have to shell them yourself! Wendy
   — Wendy M.

October 30, 2008
They are great! Watch the salt like someone said. They are hard to find without salt...But what is great is it takes a while to get thru the shell and so you eat them slowly rather than just pouring them in your mouth! LOL They keep me busy when I have munchies!!!! (Especially at night when i am fighting off late night snacking urges!) They do have fat, but mostly good fat...(fats/oils from plants and seeds are best rather than animal fats) 1/4 C shelled are about 14 g fat....only 4 carbs, 3 fiber YAY!!! 9 protein YAY! They have Vit A and 15% iron! One of my favs....I am nibbling on some as we speak...too funny. So I gave you what mine said on the package! They make a nice ingredient for a trail mix too...
   — .Anita R.

October 30, 2008
All nuts/seeds have a great bang for the protein buck! Plus they are a great snack to rid "the munchies" in between meals.
   — dadebrito

November 2, 2008

   — riverfestgirl

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