Swelling 1 year post op TT???

I had my extended Anchor Incision TT done last August, and I STILL swell like crazy!! I get it the 'pooch' part, the Ken Doll , if you will. My ankles seem to swell a bit as well. Also, my insicion still has some pain across my hips... Does anyone know when this will stop? Have you guys had this happen? I still have to put on my binder, occasionally. That doesn't seem right... Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks SO Much. ~ Danielle    — CharlieGirl (posted on December 10, 2008)

December 10, 2008
That does not seem right. I would definately call your Dr. I had a tummy tuck a year ago in August and still have some occasional twinges but not pain or swelling.
   — Carlyn M.

December 10, 2008
Definitiely go to your doctor! And don't wait. Pain and swelling are generally signs of infection. Something more is probably going on. God Bless and Good Luck, post back and let us know how you are doing. vinnigirl
   — vinnigirl

December 10, 2008
Danielle, My mother had the samething done to her. I don't know if the Dr. told you that the skin in that area is tender, because the dr. have to cut though so much fat and plus your muscle. At this time the best thing you can do is take one day at a time. Get a very good lotion so your skin will not dry out.
   — Patricia D. Johnson

December 10, 2008
I work for a plastic surgeon plus I also had a tt years ago this is not that abnormal some people take longer for allof the healing to occur (for example I still had sharp stabbing pains at my drain sites 2 years post op. another co-worker had swelling on and off for almost two years) Unless the binder makes you feel more comfortable there is no need for it -- it really is not helping any longer be patient all will be fine if the area is not hot and red there is really little concern of infection or any problem
   — mikiej72

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