I have gained 5 lbs in 10 days and I'm freaking out, please HELP!!!

I am in the same boat as the previous person. I plateud out at between 165 to 170, for a long time. Now I have been gaining weight everyday for 10 days and now weigh 175 and I'm freaking out. I excercise 2 hours a day everyday and try to watch what I eat, but obviously I'm doing something wrong. Oh by the way I startted out at 355 lbs in June 07. Any good ideas out there? Shelley Kennedy    — shelleyjean39 (posted on February 26, 2009)

February 26, 2009
Wow you have done a marvalous job so far. No sure what is going on. track and measure your food for a week or so and see if you see what is the problem. Once you have a record of what you are eating see a dietian for help on what needs to change. has a free food tracking progtram that can be helpful in identifying hidden calories.
   — trible

February 26, 2009
I'm still pre-op, but I've read a ton of posts that are similar. A lot of times it has been suggested that maybe you're not getting enough water. It won't hurt to try drinking more water!
   — Cynthia R.

February 27, 2009
You've done REALLY well! Are you eating enough to sustain those long workouts? People that work out as often as you need more calories and carbs than others...Do you have a personal trainer who can look at your diet? Try these calculators and see if you come close to any of them...They are closer estimates than BMI alone! So it's quite helpful if you are one that bases everything on the numbers! You might look fabulous at 175lbs! I'm a heavy weight myself and LOVE my weight! I do not want to be much thinner if at all! I'm quite content! Good luck!
   — .Anita R.

March 4, 2009
Hi, I reach a plateau at 185 also. So I order 1 month supply of nutrisystem each portion they sent you could be divided in halve so it lasted 2 meals and 2 month and it broke my plateau and I started losing againg I lost down to 113 lbs then gained 15 lbs back .and have been rocking at 130 135 125 for 2 years now. GOOD LUCK
   — Pusk1977

March 4, 2009
What ever you do... Don't panic! I also gained 5 lbs this past xmas. for the first time in two years I had to really watch what I ate. I realized I was "slipping" on the carbs.(I have lost a total of 115 lbs) I have added exercise and have been losing again. I have never really exercised formally, but I really watch what I eat. That is the lesson I have learned from all this!!!!! (I lost my dog and realize how much I was walking her) little changes can make a difference, just try to see what your doing lately that you didn't do before.. You have had wonderful sucess so far just don't panic. get back to protien first!!!
   — cammyb

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