Does anyone have BCBS of PA??

Does anyone know if BCBS of PA will cover plastic surgery post op? Such as an upper arm lift or paniculectomy? Possibly a thigh lift? If so, how do you go about getting your insurance to cover this without it being considered "cosmetic"?    — LauraMarie (posted on May 26, 2009)

May 26, 2009
I don't know of any insurance that will cover plastic surgery unless it is medically necessary. I have BCBS of PA and I havent tried but it sure would be nice to find out what you have to do to have them cover an arm lift, you can email me at [email protected] if you get any info on this if you'd like.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 26, 2009
I haven't heard of any insurance companies covering plastic surgery except the panniculectomy when it's due to medical necessity. If you get rashes under the apron of skin on your tummy, document it with a visit to the PCP and/or dermatologist. Go every time you have one. You need to take pictures also. It's the repetitive visits that show treatment doesn't fix your problem but the panni is. Also suggest you post this on the PS board and you may find someone there with the same ins. as you. Good luck on completing your transformation.
   — Arkin10

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