How can you get rid of the bubbles in the protein shake that is made in a blender?

I find before surgery when I make them that they make me burp and that can be painful after this type or any type surgery.    — geneswife (posted on February 22, 2006)

February 22, 2006
You could try a shaker cup instead of the blender. If you still want to use the blender you could try the following. After blending the shake and pouring it into a cup, let it stand for a few minutes. Skim off the foam that accumulates on the top. If you are concerned about the protein settling on the bottom of the cup, gently use a spoon to mix it back up. Another note - sometimes I find more foam in the fruit flavors rather than the chocolate. I also find that what you use to mix the protein shake is can cause more foaming. Good luck.
   — pattilca

February 22, 2006
try using a hand shaker or after pouring into a cup use a spoon to take out the foam...I switched to matrix 5 which only requires 4 ozs of liquid and the chocolate kind tastes like yooho.
   — HubbysBrat

February 22, 2006
I find that letting it sit in the fridge for a while lets the foam settle. Then just mix it up a little with a spoon before drinking.
   — KDFJones

February 23, 2006
The protein powder itself can make the shake really bubbly. I think you should take the other advice and add this. Yes, make the shake WITHOUT the protein powder and then let it sit a bit in the fridge, then stir in the protein powder. I think you will have much better results. Good luck!
   — j_coulter

February 23, 2006
let it sit for a minute....if you're like me and NEED the blender because of texture, try using "Pulse" instead of blend. Takes longer but less bubbles
   — Ravenwulf

February 23, 2006
Which protein are you using? The isolates really get a "head" on them. I have never used a regular blender in 12 yrs. I use a hand blender, Magic BUllet or shaker cup (depends on what I'm doing), and they all have fewer bubbles. A freind made my fave for me in a blender and I thought I'd explode. I FEEL your pain!
   — vitalady

February 23, 2006
I found the same thing happening to me. I now use a whisk to blend my protein drinks and it works great.
   — hmstanton

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