Surgery is April 27, wedding in June. Fitting schedule for dress?

Hi all, Thanks for your wisdom, I must say first. I am having Lap RNY on 4/27, and my sis is getting married June 23. I am standing up. I bought a dress two sizes smaller to begin with, but, it basically fits now. I can zip it up and every thing already. So I wonder if any of you had any good suggestions on when to get fitted for the dress, after surgery? I am so worried they won't be able to take it down enough to fit well, or that I'll have to buy another dress, etc. Also, I have to buy shoes now as well. Should I not wide, and just get the regular size? HELP! PLEASE!    — Meghan R. (posted on April 7, 2006)

April 7, 2006
Hi I'm kinda going through the same thing my surgery is 4/11/06 and my wedding date is 5/20/06 and I'm not getting fitted for my dress until 1-2 weeks before the wedding. Well hope this helps you and good luck. Tara F.
   — Baby Girl 69 .

April 7, 2006
Hello Meghan, When I went in for my two month check up post-op I had lost 42lbs. That is a considerable amount of weight and my dress size had dropped significantly. Honestly what I would do is return the dress and find out if the dress you purchased is normally kept in stock. If so I would I return and purchase the correct size around June 15th. If it is not possible to return the dress a very good seamstress should be able to alter the dress in the waist and bust providing that it does not have intricate detail. I hope this helps.
   — Tiff's On a Mission

April 7, 2006
Thank you so much for your wodnerful responses. I am going to try and find a great seamstress and figure out where to go from there.
   — Meghan R.

April 7, 2006
Well, I must say a dress is not hard to take in its when we need them taken out. Depends on your size how fast you lose I started at 242 a yr. ago today I had surgery and I am down 103 lbs. today... but i would say a couple sizes in 2 months but don't worry a good seamstress can take care of anything for the shoes I use to wear wide widith also but no more but i don't think your feet will be much smaller in that amt. of time. I always call this surgery the melt down surgery seems like anyone I know that has had it melts from the head down lol. Good Luck and hope your sister has a great wedding and she will have a smaller sister for sure.... Any questions please write me... Thanks Cindy
   — NYCindy

April 7, 2006
If I tried to guess your loss between now and the wedding, I'd say it's going to be approx 40 lbs which should translate to your being at least 2 dress sizes smaller. I went from a 3x to a 22 in 8wks now at 4mos post op, I'm in a 18/20. I'm figuring you'll be almost 60days post op at the time of the wedding. Depending on the style of the dress, it sounds like a big alteration project almost like remaking it!!. Another thing to consider is that even though you are losing weight, after the surgery you won't want any thing with a tight waist or belt. At least I didn't and still don't like anthing that fits tight at the waist. If it's at all possible, I'd try to return the dress that you have and wait until the week before the wedding to shop or if you have to match the others in the wedding party, ask the shop what the delivery time is on a special order and allow a day or two for mistakes and alterations and then let them measure you when you order. The alterations won't be as extensive and you'll have a better fit. I work in a boutique and have had WLS so I'm trying to see this problem from both sides. Our Mfgr's can have a dress in our shop in 3days time so if it's delivered 10 days prior to an event, the alterations have plenty of time to be done. Hope this helps somewhat. Best wishes to you and your sis and be sure and post some pix for us to see!!
   — jcrefasi

April 7, 2006
Hi, I was in your perdicament back in 1998. I told the dress maker what I was doing and she said she understood no problem. The funny part was she was extremly shocked at the difference in size within 2 months. i suggest going to the dress maker and telling her exactly what your are doing and that it is possible for you to loss 1 dress size per week. It will give her the option to wait and make your dress last. Dresses can only be taken in so much before they do not look nice anymore. For the shoes, find the ones you like and if the are returnable buy 2 sizes. My feet shrunk 1 1/2" from the time 1 started lossing at 243lbs to 130lbs at my final weight.
   — shana1569

April 8, 2006
My sister go married last Aug and I had surg May 31. I basically bought my dress WAY before the wedding and surg. I had lost 55 lbs when my dress had to be altered and when all was said and done I did it about 2 weeks before the wedding and It came out great couldn't even tell that it was latered. We'll see what ahppeens for my own wedding dress cause I am getting married May 20 this eyar and I order my dress about 5 months ago... they can do great work and I am sure it will look beautiful. Best wishes to you!
   — SteffieBear15

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