Can the pouch be damaged beyond repair???

It has been 14 months since my surgery and I have gained a few pounds back. I don't feel full and I can eat more. Is it possible to stretch your pouch so much that it stops working? What do I need to do? The 5-day pouch test? Would that help?    — lovemylife (posted on March 20, 2009)

March 20, 2009
I don't know that it stops working as much as a person stops using it properly...But for some people they can out eat their surgery. There are ways! I learned them! I won't share because I gained 10 lbs myself a few years ago! I did the 5 day pouch test after thinking I stretched mine as well (10 lb gain in only a month) What a boost in confidence after the 5DPT! I realised I was just way off track! The 5DPT does help you get back on track by forcing you to go back to the basics...I learned that it is okay to feel a little hunger...but it's NOT okay to feel FULL! I felt like I was always feeling hunger and never anthing that felt like fullness! It was because of the carbs I was eating..particularly sugar... It was really bad for me...Serious carb monster in my pouch! By day 1 of the liquid proteins...I felt such a peace in my pouch...that even the little hunger I did feel was better than that monster wanting to devour anything that wasn't nailed to the countertop! So Yes it helped me so much to KNOW that my pouch still worked, but that I was using it wrong! It happens! I did so well for 4 years...and just one long family visit out of my organized environment and I was lost!!! I did the test last year and still doing great because of it! After the 5DPT...Just stop eating any simple carbs and eat lean (cut back on calories) stop drinking with meals...(helps you stay fuller longer and absorb your nutrients without washing them out so fast) and you'll lose the weight you gained or if nothing else you'll stop gaining! Measure and weigh your food and that helps SOOOO much too! I try to keep my meat to 4 ounces and 2 ounces of veggies and 1-2 oz whole grain or another veggie or fruit per meal. Fish and chicken are leaner than beef...So I try to do those most days a week and stay away from too much red meat...But I do eat red meat at least a few times a month for the hemi-iron in red meat! I need my iron! Turkey is also high in iron so I do that as well. I also did a free food journal at The Daily Plate which is moving for anyone who doesn't know that!!! The new website is "" The top menu bar has the Daily Plate there where you can start an online food journal! I love the new site because it has a wealth of other very awesome information and articles on healthy lifestyles! Go there and book mark that place if nothing else but for looking up calories and nutritional facts of the foods you eat! But do check it out...It looks like a great new site!
   — .Anita R.

March 20, 2009
I'd suggest eating more smaller meals instead of the bigger meals. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

March 20, 2009
Yes, your pouch CAN stretch. The best advice I can give you, as someone who's pouch stretched, is to eat MUCH slower, chew MANY times more and STAY AWAY from sugars & white carbs! Wishing you much success. Linda
   — Linda K.

March 21, 2009
As Anita R. Suggested here I went to check out Daily Plate. It looks like its free for 5 days and after that it is $30/6 months. Is that true?
   — Libby R.

March 26, 2009
Hi Cheryl, I just asked my doctor last week what would happen if my pouch DID stretch. She said they would have to empty my band, wait a month and start all over again with the fills. I didn't like that answer since my band is still not working for me after 5 months, although I DID loose 25 lbs. I think I need one more fill. We'll see. Try what the others suggested and see what happens. If it doesn't work, go back to the doc and see what he says. I wish there was an easy way to tell. Good luck
   — Elaine .

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