Do we have to drink with milk with protein powders?

I am getting tried of drinking milk. Special K have liquid drinks with small amounts of protein. Other than shakes and food, is protein from other drinks okay?    — Toby2 (posted on September 24, 2008)

September 24, 2008
All doctors are different, my nut wants me off protein drinks and such, try to get your protein from food.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 24, 2008
Per my doctor I am never suppose to drink milk EVER. Milk turns to sugar and not allowed at all.
   — pjwinslow

September 24, 2008
It is better to get protein from a protein drink, than not enough. I am 10 mo. out and still cannot eat much. I have many friends 2 and 3 years out, that still have at least one Protein drink of some kind a day. Some people, like myself can't eat in the mornings. I like Slim-fast low carb. It is 180 calories, very low sugar and 20grams of protein. It comes in a variety of flavors. You can get it at Wal-mart. Just be sure it is the (low carb variety) Not the optimum. I consider that a meal!! Mid morning, I have a meat (like ham or turkey cold-cuts) and cheese roll up. Later a yogert, later some cottage cheese, then a meat with hi protein side dish, like pintos or limas for dinner. Sometimes a have a spoonful of peanut-butter for a snack. If I have a day that I just haven't eaten enough, I will have another slimfast before bed. Special K protein water can't hurt to add to the overall protein count, but don't rely on that as a meal. I Hope this helps and good luck.
   — lesleigh07

September 24, 2008
I drink the Atkins Advantage Shakes every morning because I just can't eat in the mornings even before surgery. The powder drinks, I couldn't get them up to my nose and my doctor told me to use the Atkins Advantage Shakes (premix), they have 15 grams protein, 1 gram of sugar and 2 net carbs. They come in a lot of flavors and they taste great. You can get them at Walmart, Target, some Pharmacies (cheaper at Walmart). The South Beach Tide me over drinks also have protein and fiber. Diane
   — dyates2948

September 24, 2008
I can't drink milk anymore (before surgery I could never get enough). I LOVE THE K2O PROTEIN WATER! I think starting to drink that is what started me losing weight again. They also have an awesome protein bar! It beats those terrible protein shakes. Try them and I think you'll be happily surprised... I was!!!
   — pattschiele

September 25, 2008
You can try Unjury Chicken Soup. It's like drink chicken bouillon and doesn't smell of whey like most drinks do. Another great product, in my opinion, is the Nectar products. Visit and you can order samples by calling them. The number is on the website. The samples are $1.89 each plus shipping. They have several great flavors. My favorites are Roadside Lemonade, Lemon Tea, Crystal Sky, and Apple Esctasy. But remember, everyone's tastes are different after surgery, from what I am told. My surgery isn't until 10/07/2008 and am counting down the days, with each day getting more anxious and scared. I am having the Realize Band.
   — Teresa J.

September 25, 2008
Isopure flavored water (fruit punch, etc.) have 40 grams of protein in a 20 oz bottle. Tastes a bit like Crystal Light. You can get them at The Vitamin Shoppe and online. Might not be the best way your doc wants you to get in all your protein but at least you can make a start or supplement what you're taking in in other ways. Good luck!
   — dnefews

September 25, 2008
I can't drink milk now. I use GNC 100% whey protein and that is mixed with water. I also use the New Whey protein bulletts. it is only 3 oz and 42 grams of protien.
   — phyllismmay

September 25, 2008
I just add water to the protien powder. I use both UNJURY and EAS. I usually add splenda to the EAS, as it's not quite sweet enough for my taste, but it is less expensive, you can get it at Costco, a 6# bag is $35, for 78 servings. I have used the UNJURY Chicken Soup, but quit drinking it, it taste like bouilion cubes, plus it is waaaay to salty.
   — KathieV

September 26, 2008
Almond milk, water, coffee, even tea is good with protein powder...
   — .Anita R.

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