does it cost to see if your pouch been stretched? I cannot eat cottage cheese

I had my surgery 6 years ago-I have gained almost all of the weight back. Saw the article regarding stomaphyx, trying to find out as much information as possible. The procedure is done in Baltimore, Maryland for $9,000. I will pay it if I can find out it will really help me.    — niklar56 (posted on April 30, 2008)

April 30, 2008
I can't answer your question but I wondered what surgery you had?
   — GlitterGal

April 30, 2008
The Stomaphyx procedure is a way of tightenning up your stoma so that food will stay in your pouch longer. However, if your pouch is stretched, or if you have learned how to eat past feeling discomfort, then getting smaller stoma might not necessarily help you. Depending upon how close you are to Boston, you might want to look into the bariatric program at Brigham and Women's which is doing pioneering work on revisions. Also, you might want to talk to a surgeon who is more local for you and research if being converted to a DS might be the best choice.
   — SteveColarossi

April 30, 2008
I agreee with Steve...If you are willing to pay 9000.00 for a stoma fix revision, you might consider a revision to DS...gaining all your weight back is probably more than the stoma fix can do for you, in my very humble opinion. Check out the Revisions boards under "forums" above
   — .Anita R.

April 30, 2008
How much weight did you loose and how much did you put back on just curious just go back to what you did when you 1st had the surgery cut out sugars and bread and carbs exercise every day if you can and ask GOD to guide yo through this thing IT'S ALL ABOUT DISCIPLIN only you can control what you are putting in your body. Take care and GOD BLESS YOU Michelle
   — michellehall

May 1, 2008
Sharon, you did not say why you can't eat cottage cheese. Is it because of lactose intolerance? If so, Lactaid has a fat-free cottage cheese as well as its milk, so you can do the cottage cheese test. Good luck!
   — obeseforever

May 1, 2008
The cottage cheese test absolutely nothing except tell you how much cottage cheese you can eat in 20 minutes (or however long the test goes on for). Talk to your PCP or surgeon about your concerns. I don't know which test they would use, but it is possible to do some type of imaging to determine the the size and function of your pouch (xray, CT scan, something involving barium, perhaps). Good luck to you.
   — mrsidknee

May 1, 2008
I am also wondering which surgery you had. Could you post the type of surgery you had? Thanks, Angie Kimball (sillyguts)
   — Sillyguts

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