How long on average do we wait after meeting goal weight?

I had my rny in January. I am at my goal weight and have been for almost 3 months. How long before I start the process of skin removal? I have Tricare, but I am not sure how long the process will take. I have not had any really bad rashes, only a few sores now and then. Any advice is welcome. I know I am probably rushing things, I am just looking for a time frame. My weight has been steady and only fluctuates by a pound up or down. Thanks in Advance!    — heartsablaze (posted on October 24, 2008)

October 24, 2008
Tracy I had my tummy tuck done once I lost all the weight. During and before my surgery I had a lot of rash issues under my fold and in my belly button. I went to the dermatologist all the time documenting and trying to heal. I finally asked after a lot of appointments the derma. Doc. if a tummy tuck would help and he said sure, but doubted if insurance would pay. I asked him to document that any way in my file. I also went to an orthopedic dr. for my back pain and he said after losing the weight with the excess skin it causes you to have bad posture and he sent me to a message therapist and with all the doctors documentation I went back to my weight dr. that does tummy tucks. He had me pose for some awful looking pictures me on my hands and knees on the table with all the excess skin hanging down and standing up showing all the excess skin and took pictures for the ins. company. Anyway with all the documentation and pictures Premera paid for the tummy tuck. Take a look at my before and after pictures. pjwinslow Good luck Pamela
   — pjwinslow

October 24, 2008
You should try posting this question on the plastic surgery forum. You'll probably get a lot more feedback. Good Luck!
   — AprilJM

October 24, 2008
I don't really have an answer to this although I have been told you should wait at least a year. I was wondering though if you were told that Tri Care will do this surgery. I too have Tri Care and they have told me that they won't do the skin removal. Can you email me directly to tell me what you know? [email protected]
   — vegastina

October 24, 2008
I have done a little bit of research and attended a few seminars with plastic surgeons. Most say that they recommend people maintain their weight loss and stay within a few pounds of it for at least 6 months to 1 year before plastics. As far as the Tricare insurance goes, I don't know. Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

October 25, 2008
Hi! I too have tricare(standard) and was told they wouldn't pay...if you hear anything differently or learn how to have them pay, I'd appreciate it also. You can email me at [email protected] Thanks and wtg ont he weight loss. I am 4 months out and losing slowly--but losing!! thanks in advance for any info! hugs, Kim
   — gpcmist

October 25, 2008
My surgeon advised me that I should not consider skin removal for the first two years.
   — rrosenc

October 25, 2008
you should go to your PCP for every little rash and pimple and get good documentation of 'medical necessity' -- you should maintain your weight for 6 months -- you should also get a release from your bariatric surgeon and a release from your PCP -- good luck -- my husband just saw the plastic surgeon this week -- ALSO most plastic surgeons do not accept insurance -- you may have to call a hospital that takes your insurance and ask them if they have a plastic surgeon on staff -- that is how we found our plastic surgeon who takes insurance -- it's time consuming and alot of footwork for your plastic surgery :)
   — RCassety

October 25, 2008
The support group I belong to is 90% military, ie.. tricare. the group leader had hers done at her 1 year mark. I think we all had our WLS at a military treatment facility and one skin removal surgery is included in the process. I think the criteria is 1 year and goal weight. Good luck
   — Lisa B.

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