Will I be able to eat a well-chewed bacon or carrot strip?

Just wondering about bacon and carrots, two foods I eat at lunch often... Wonder if there's some way one of you brilliant computer folks out there could create a list of foods here we could all check in on and add to as we think of them with like columns for "yes" you can it them, "no" you can't . or "maybe" . Then we could check out the foods we were wondering about and see how many people voted "yes", "no" or "maybe". Just a thought.    — Carol M. (posted on May 20, 1999)

May 20, 1999
I eat bacon all the time if it is fried very crisp. Personally I don't usually eat carrots (don't care for them much) I can eat them if I chew them really really well.
   — Peggy W.

May 20, 1999
I have eaten carrots post op and never had a problem..I chew them up REALLY well though <g> as far as bacon is REALY high in fat, so i would NEVER try it...I know there are many who do though....
   — Deanna D.

May 20, 1999
Well from personal experience, (my surgery was in 1983) I have had no problem with bacon but carrots give me terrible hiccups. Sometimes the hiccups become so severe I develop costocondritis (pardon spelling). As far as a food database, I'd love to volunteer if anyone would like to send their information. I'll be glad to get with Eric and see if this can be made public. If you have anything to add as far as your experience with different foods, feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please put FOOD LIST in the subject area.
   — Vicki H.

May 20, 1999
Good idea!! I suggest you not eat bacon because of the fat. It probably will cause you diarreia. The carrot you can eat providing you crew it at lease 30 to 50 times before swallowing it. It I were you I would eat them cooked. If you have any more questions or just want to chat please e-mail me. Bye for now.
   — debbie S.

May 20, 1999
My surgeon told me after time, I could eat any food I wanted just small amounts, except for high sugar high fat, since those will cause(hopefully) dumping syndrome. He was right, you can pretty much eat anything, ( although some people have problems with some foods), I can eat almost anything,nuts,bread,popcorn, It is just real different for everyone and some things I fill up on real fast and some I can eat a whole lot! Thankfully, the ones I can eat a whole lot of are lettuce and strawberries.
   — JAN C.

May 20, 1999
I can eat bacon and carrots easily. I did have trouble with bacon in the first year. Just chew, chew, chew!
   — [Anonymous]

May 20, 1999
I can eat both carrots and bacon. The problem with a list like you suggested is that everyone's list of what they can and can't eat is different and totally unpredictable. For instance I can eat pizza, popcorn, chips - no problem. I can't touch broccoli, asparagus, spinach. Beef is a maybe. Everyone has their own foods that they can or can't tolerate.
   — dboat

May 20, 1999
Funny you should ask. Both of those things have given me trouble. Bacon must be "touch crisp" for me. Has to crumble on touch or I don't touch. No jerky for me! Carrots are fine, if chewed to mush. I forgot. "Chomp, chomp, swallow" and I was miserable for 3 hours. And that was 4 yrs post-op! Rice and chicken and flour tortillas were slow to be OK for me, too. They're OK now, with care.
   — vitalady

May 20, 1999
its really trial and error, I ate bacon at 3 to 4 weeks after surgery, but ask your doctor about this, the whole key is to chew good and eat slow.
   — Sandra S.

May 21, 1999
Carol: 'cuse me but I am just wondering why anyone who is going to have bypass surgery would even want to eat bacon? Bacon is mostly fat and it is usually chewy, two things you will have trouble with after surgery. It takes bacon a very very long time to be digested and your pouch is so small that you would be filling it up with bacon for a day or two. I doubt if you will even be able to tolerate it. It could make you throw up. This surgery is a tool but if you don't use common sense you will be defeating the purpose of it. I don't mean to be on a soap box, but this is too big a decision to be thinking about eating fatty, calorie laden food. Hope you understand. Regards, Proastro.
   — Veronica M. B.

May 23, 1999
I am able to eat bacon as well as any raw veggies. I eat raw carrots, broccoli, cauli flower, cucmbers. As long as you take a little extra time chewing these food should not be a problem for you.Good Luck!
   — Donna D.

December 23, 1999
I'm six-months post-op. I eat EVERYTHING (including bacon and carrots. Exceptions: milk and sugar. Can't tolerate. But who misses gravy and sweets when the results are so fantastic!
   — Lynda B.

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