What did you eat at 4 weeks post-op?

I had open RNY and have not had problems (other than one dumping episode after sugar-free pudding).    — orleans (posted on February 9, 2006)

February 9, 2006
It really depends on your surgeon and nutritionist. My doctor had me on mechanical soft diet for 2-4 weeks post-op. When I went back for my 1 month appointment, he said to go ahead and advance my diet. I find I can tolerate mexican food, soups, moist steak, fish, steamed veggies, etc. Basically, try whatever sounds good, if you can tolerate it...fantastic...if not or it doesn't taste good, try it again in a few months (I was told this by my doctor). I haven't gotten the courage to try most fruits (other than bananas) because I'm afraid I won't chew them well enough or I'll end up dumping. Hope this helps. Glad to hear you're doing so well.
   — Beth C.

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