4weeks post op & I can not eat yet & always sick

I am going on 4 weeks post op since Oct 9th, and I've tried to advance to mashed foods, thicker soups etc but I can not. I get very nauseated even on smells of foods. I have been on the protein shakes and can only handle about 4-6oz at a time. I get constant cramps in my stomach even if I drink water. I feel week, sleepy and I am starting to doubt my decision, although I know my life depended on this life change. Is there any one with suggestions, input etc on where I am at???    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on October 31, 2006)

October 31, 2006
Hi Roxanne, Don't worry. It is normal to feel weak and sleepy you just had major surgery. As for the thicker foods give yourself time. Everyone is different in their progression. I felt the same way but now that i am 3 months out I have to say it does get better and the way you look and feel gets much better. Try talking to your nutrionist maybe he/she can give you some different ideas or choices. Make sure when you drink water that you take small sips drink slowly at first. All this will pass in time. You have made the best decision of your life. Keep the faith
   — camille1956

October 31, 2006
Everyones taste & smells do change. Things you liked before will be hard to handle this early. You might be trying to eat to fast or not chew enough. Try refied beans with a little cheese & add a little water to make them not so dry & eat very small bites. With the water just sip the water do not gulp. you will never be able to drink anything like you use to. Some foods you will never be able to eat again. It does get better. If you still have problems let your Doctors office no about what is happening & with what kind of food you might have a problem they need to check into. Take care &As for your shakes What kind are you using & 4-6 oz. is about right this early. You should be using Whey protein & not the pre-made shakes they have too much sugar & carbs. Marilyn, the BEarlady
   — Marilyn C.

October 31, 2006
Try and crush a zantac and take it 30 minutes prior to trying to eat. Your stomach is still healing and producing many diffrent stomach acids and this should help.
   — red_neck_girl561

October 31, 2006
I would first call your doctor and let him know you are having this much trouble with foods. You might need some compazine or another med to help you out. You might be having trouble digesting the protien drinks. I would stop those for know and just focus on fluids and progression. have you gone to the bathroom?? Good luck
   — T. Rosario

October 31, 2006
Roxanne, Congats on your decision to change your future! As far as your fears......major changes alone cause fear. Getting used to them is the key, and learning new healthy habits. Your doing ok, it takes time for your body to adjust. The little stoma is very tiny emptying slowly into your pouch, and eating can be challanging, but things do get better. Mean time you are loosing weight and your mind is learning a new way to think about food. As far as the nausea, some of the other viewers gave you good advice. Like they said, we are going through changes, and learning what our bodies like and dislike. It does get better. In the beginning of mine, I felt like I was going to fade a way, I felt so weak. Ice chips sometimes were all I could get down. It does get better. Go slow, tiny tiny bites or sips. My problem was too big of swallows. baby spoon size. one regular swallow is way too much. It's just learning thats all. Sometimes water will cause cramping if it is too cold, or if you took too big of a sip. Soups can cause problems because we sip too much or eat too bit of a spoonful. They come right back up. Go slow......know that others have had the same things happen, and we can talk you through it. You made this decision to better your future. Right now is a ruff period, but keep in mind, it does get better. As far as the protein, 4-6 oz is great, put the rest in the fridge for in an hour or so. Your body is just adjusting. Feel free to email me anytime. Lisa Ryan
   — Lisa_Ryan

November 1, 2006
Hi I am 3yrs post-op, but I will never forget my early eating experiences.Very early out of surgery, maybe 2wks I too started cramping with everything including water. Turned out that I had developed an ulcer in my pouch, I did not take the suggested chewable pepcid, and crushed blood pressure medicine and pain meds on an empty stomache therefore too much acid that could not be absorbed in such a small pouch created an ulcer. As far as the nausea or inability to eat much or eat at all, for me turned out to be nothing more than overfilling my pouch. Even liquids can cause dumping.My wls doctor costantly reminded me by taking a quarter out of his pocket and asking me to tell him how many bites of food will fit on that quarter.Didn't take long to figure out just slowing things down was the answer for me. Everyone is different and we just almost have to live out the journey by simply experience.Good Luck!!!!G.W.300-148
   — Kissie

November 1, 2006
There is a pre-made carnation instant breakfast, that is low-cal. after surgery I found them easy on the tummy and they helped give a little boost to the energy.. you might try them . I know up here in Canada,I can get them at the corner 7-eleven dont know about where you are but might be worth a try.
   — Stormchild

November 1, 2006
I also had some regrets early on. I was puking all the time. But 9 months post op, I realized this was the best thing I've ever done in my life. I went from a size 20 to size 8 jeans. My back problems have gotten so much better with the weight gone. For me, cottage cheese with a little seasoning always stayed down. I was never a cottage cheese fan before surgery but now it's a staple.
   — LaurieH

November 2, 2006
What protein are you using and how are you making it up? I get 30g in 6 oz, so I'm wondering what you're using. But besides that, when did this start? If it started recently, please call your doc and INSIST upon being scoped. It could be a marginal ulcer, could be a stricture, but at 4 weeks, esp if it starrted suddenly, you should be in better shape by now. I'm thinking there's a mechanical reason for your misery. Keep working on water & protein, but BE SEEN, ok?
   — vitalady

November 3, 2006
this happened to me at 5 weeks. i ended up with an ulcer that gave me a stricture from the swelling, have your dock check it out
   — br5eag

November 5, 2006
Water is actually very hard on your new pouch. Drink very slowly with protein mix with crystal light. I am 3 months post op and still have to start my day with warm protein. I do Matrix 5.0 and water. Go to they have sample you can purchase. I still can only eat chili and shrimp so my progress with entroducing new foods as been slow as well. And yes I have questioned my decision as well. My weight lose has been slow as well but just started picking back up. Hoping to be in Onederland soon. So as not to smell things get cups with lids of us bottles, like crystal light and shake in protein. 4 to 6 oz isn't bad, can you do this every our? Are you taking vitamins and getting in enough protein? You are pretty normal at 4 weeks post op. When mixing protein and water I use only half a scoop in 16 oz of water. Same with the Matrix in a mug, only half a scoop. Take is slow and easy and things will get better around 8 weeks.
   — ccstann

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