Has anyone had problems with popcorn after RNY?

I am 8 weeks post RNY and love going to the movies. I haven't been since my surgery (8/18/08) since the thought of not eating, or even smelling, popcorn (which I used to love so much) really gets me. Just wondering how the new stomach would digest it. I thought I may try popping fat-free at home and bringing it with me but not sure if I should. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks so much!    — glasband (posted on October 19, 2008)

October 19, 2008
I stayed away from popcorn until 6 months after my surgery....not quite sure why but anyway, I eat just the plain air popped (natural) and it may just be me, but it is so good, if I just have to taste the butter, I will buy the lite or fat free brand but the natural tastes just as good to me. I haven't had any problems with it as far as my stomach goes. Hope this helps and good luck. God bless.
   — PAWLLA L.

October 19, 2008
I was just under 4 months the first time I went to the movies and had popcorn. I order the kids popcorn and shared it. The first time I had popcorn at home I was about 7 weeks post op. I didnt have any problems my NUT never said anything about not having it I heard it on here we shouldnt. Just remebmer moderation is the key.
   — Kimberlin Katayama

October 19, 2008
I am 19 weeks out and lost 72lbs so far. I did try popcorn, w/o butter of course, for the first time a while back and had no problem! As you go, you will get more daring. I have tried pretty much everything, slowly, and so far, no problem. I've been very lucky with this whole process. Good luck to you and my only advise is, try it, but with caution.
   — aweeder13

October 19, 2008
i was way over a yr out before i tried popcorn...i had to crew it then spit it out now that i am over 2yrs out i can eat it sometimes ..brenda in tx
   — brenda F.

October 19, 2008
I love Corn Pops by Better Made. It has a picture of a clown on the front of the bag. I measure out 2 1/2 cups, put it into a zip lock bag and take it with me. There is no chance that you will get anything stuck and they taste incredible. They are no more fattening than butter theater popcorn. Just an option.
   — susangielda06

October 19, 2008
I completely understand your love of popcorn. I am completely addicted to it. When I had WLS, I completely avoided it for a year. Once I got a taste of it, I couldn't stop craving it like an alcoholic craves alcohol. I truly wish that I never would have had any. It would probably be ok, just be careful with the buttery kind as it may make you dump. I too have been known to sneak some of my own air popped into the theater myself. Some people do have a hard time digesting it because of the husks, just be careful... 8 weeks is pretty early post-op and popcorn is full of carbs so.... we really shouldn't be eating it anyway. The decision is yours. I'm the same way about going to football games... I always associated them with nachos and a couple of drinks. Now, my husband and I will share a turkey leg... lots of protein and a healthy exchange of habits. Best of luck and enjoy your movies, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

October 19, 2008
I am 11 yrs RNY....and have never had trouble w/ popcorn. Airpopped w/o butter and salt is extremely low fat, healthy.....and full of fiber. Enjoy!
   — jamiedaugherty

October 19, 2008
I am a popcorn freak too. I tried it at about 6 weeks out. My dietition said it was okay. I air pop it or use the 94% fat free. I also put some of the buttery spray on it. Use that sparingly though. It can make some people's stomach a little queasy. I find it goes down very very easy. If you want to avoid some of the husks, the white popcorn in your air popper doesn't have as many as opposed to the yellow. Orville Redenbachers sells the white popcorn in a jar at some supermarkets
   — katiecakes

October 19, 2008
I've not actually had my surgery yet.... I'm about 6 months out from having it done. But I've already seen the dietician my Doctor uses, and she's already put me on this crazy diet. I am supposed to eat 65-80 gms protien per day, and no more than 20 gms carbs. I am to stop ALL white carbs, like potatoes, pasta, white rice, POPCORN, etc. I don't know why. But when I have popcorn, it HAS to be with lots and lots of butter and salt or cheese flavoring. And if I can't have it the way I want it, I won't have it at all. Kinda like giving up mayonnaise for me.... I HATE the reduced-fat and fat-free mayonnaises because they are much sweeter than regular mayo.... so I just won't eat them. I went to the movies today, and my friend had her popcorn and soda, and I had my flavored water that I smuggled in, and it was all good. I don't think you'll have as hard a time as you think. You just have to have the right mindset -- "this is for the good of my life."
   — Erica Alikchihoo

October 19, 2008
It was never mentioned at the nutritional seminar that I attended, and it's not on my surgeon's list of "no-no" and "approved" foods ... But a friend of mine who is two and a half years out says he was always told NO POPCORN, EVER! So, because of that, I am probably going to avoid it. I was never a big popcorn junkie, anyway ... I'd check with your surgeon on this one, since they all have so many different guidelines!
   — lauren_marie

October 19, 2008
There was a recipe in the OH magizine a couple of issues back on how to dress up popcorn. I'm sure that if it were a NO-NO they would not have published it.
   — ldillabough

October 19, 2008
I went to the movies two weeks ago. I was 6 weeks out, and my boyfriend decides he is going to get popcorn. When he sat next to me with it, I just had to try it - butter, salt, and all! I had about 10 pieces, which satisfied my craving, and I had no problems with it at all.
   — Ursie77

October 19, 2008
I am 2 weeks pre-op RYN still, but a good friend of mine who had open RYN in May 2008 tried popcorn last week, and said that she was more uncomfortable from that for 3+ days than when she found out she was lactose intoerant now. She said it felt like the new stomach was ripped up by the kernels. So just be careful.
   — jen_kill

October 19, 2008
Hi ! I am 4 months out and my stage 3 diet has popcorn listed as a food not allowed says its too high in fat--unless air popped I suppose -- and difficult to digest. Eating this would constitute a meal and it has no protein in it, so I guess that would be a reason why too. On stage 3 you are suppose to eat high protein, low calorie , controlled portions foods. I want to be successful, as I am sure you all do as well, and my feeling is this; if it is something that maybe got you into trouble before sugery, why try it after?~ My thing is sweets--baked goods, candy..sugar, chocolate~ If it triggers a need to eat, etc...avoid it--but, hey this is just my opinion and I want everyone to do well on here. We have been thru alot and I hate to see anyone backslide for any reason! This is merely a suggestion, not a reprimand lol Good luck to all!! Hugs, Kim
   — gpcmist

October 20, 2008
It's not the best snack choice...but it's not horrible either...I personally can't get it down! I was suprized to see how many can tolerate it after surgery...Just chew it well...You know how popcorn gets all stuck in your teeth, you new pouch and stoma might not like those very rough kernal parts too much either...A lot of the old "diet" food like popcorn and pretzels are not exactly the best diet foods for us after surgery...But many post op grads enjoy a few cups of popcorn regularly...It doesn't like me! :::Sniffles:::You should bring an alternate snack though just in case...(measure out your serving of some of these in snack baggies) I suggest almonds or soy nuts, beef or turkey jerky, pumpkin seeds, or a trail mix of fiber cereal and nuts type thing...Just chew chew chew and try not to graze thru the entire movie or you might eat more than you need to! Focus on your eating and chewing! Don't forget you are still newly post op! Be careful and enjoy the movie!
   — .Anita R.

October 20, 2008
Hi, Amy. My two cents. I was never all that crazy about popcorn but one night several weeks 8-10 weeks out I tried some. I found out that it went down wonderfully and was ever so tasty. This is not too good, as for me and many others, I have found popcorn to be a "slider" food. If you haven't run across this term before, it means a food that you can eat a lot of and not feel too full. I wish I had stayed away from it. I would eat it practically every day if I let myself.
   — jujuprof

October 20, 2008
I didn't try popcorn right away, think it is too soon for you. However, a friend that had the surgery several months before I did loves it, so after 4 months I tried it, and did just fine. It seems like everyone's bodies are unique and what I can tolerate you may not. Try a little and enjoy!!
   — Nanabear

October 20, 2008
I am four months out and probably had my first popcorn at about 10 weeks. I don't eat much. There is a mini bag of mircowave that I eat about half and then I am full. I had not problem digesting it and no after effects. As you probably know your own stomach is your best guide. If I feel like I can't eat something at a particular time or event I don't. I ate my first beef last week about 2 oz. but it was great and I was very careful. Let your stomach and body tell you how your are doing. It appears there are alot of different reactions to various foods each one is individual.
   — redpetal_14

October 21, 2008
Reading all of the previous posts, this is like so many other food concerns/questions Try it and see! I had popcorn after about 3 months and was fine with it. Except that it tasted too good with butter and i don't want to get back into that life style! But there are foods that others can eat that I can't (or just don't like anymore) so there's no rhyme or reason to it. Try a small amount then wait and see what your tummy tells you Good luck!
   — cjackson1481

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