i am four weeks out lost twenty lbs. the first twenty days. have not lost anything

I am four weeks out, i have lost twenty lbs. in the twenty days for the past three days no weight loss has this happened to many people.    — oohlala (posted on February 7, 2009)

February 7, 2009
yes, I am a revision RNY and am now 2.5 months post op and I am only down 35 lbs. But I have not been exercising which is important. Had knee sugery and have not been doing well.. but exercise and it will come off faster. We have to burn up more than we take in.
   — MonHay

February 7, 2009
there is no way to lose weight EACH DAY. best to stop weighing yourself daily and begin weighing weekly.
   — love2hateit

February 7, 2009
This is a common problem. Be patient. Stick with the program. If you don't lose weight for several WEEKS, you may consider trying to do something else, but a few days does not a problem make. You could be retaining water. You may also be gaining muscle, which would be a good thing if this was happening. Just keep with the program, and wait it out for a bit. If it doesn't improve, contact your support person at your weight loss clinic and ask them what to do. If you cannot do that, then try to get support from the board here at OH.
   — hubarlow

February 8, 2009
I am 5 years post op next week. Don't sweat it. This surgery works, you are not going to fail! Weight loss happens at it's own pace. Do not expect to lose lose every day. You will lose some then your body rests, your skin catches up, I went through plateus all the time. I am glad I did. My skin issues are nill. It will take one to two years to get rid of all the weight. So relax, Eat, walk, drink lots water, It seems like forever now but befoe you know it you will have forgotten what it was like to be obese. My surgeon told me this surgery only works if you eat. I eat all day and I can't gain a pound. Protein shakes eventually make you fat. Your best bet is to get your protein through food. Vitamins and walking. Its very normal for the body to take breaks up to 3-4 months before weight loss begins again. Get a tape measure. You will see during that time the scale doesn't move but the tape measure does.Use a tracking program like to track it all. Relax This isn't going to fail. Be patient. You will be Amazed!
   — Kimberly Ten Kate

February 8, 2009
You lost so FAST the first 20 days...and now your body is taking a break! This is very NORMAL! Sometimes that stall time can last for 2-3 weeks! You are doing fine! Just know that it happens and this is not the end of this...You'll have many more times of no weight loss on the scale...But it will catch up and before you know it, a whole year will have passed and you'll be looking a thinner, healthier person in the mirror!
   — .Anita R.

February 8, 2009
thank you for all of your answers i will not get on the scale daily, anyway i am concerned with my hihg blod pressure and diabetes numbers and they are doing great thanks again
   — oohlala

February 8, 2009
As everyone else has said, plateaus are normal - I am 5 months out and have had 3 stalls - one was nearly 3 weeks! But take your measurements at least once a month - you will be amazed at how many inches you will lose, even if the loss isn't showing on the scale. And look at your other non-scale victories - being able to do more, fit in smaller clothes, etc. Don't just look at the scale. Tune in to how you feel. Wendy
   — Wendy M.

February 8, 2009
Anna, I am 6 weeks out from Lap RNY and have lost 32 pounds. Several times I have stayed at the same weight for 3 to 5 days and also I have gained a half lb. here and there which was probably just water weight. Please don't get discouraged. No one can expect to lose a pound every day. Get walking if the weather permits or if you have a treadmill. Gentle exercise is great to start with. Just keep yourself moving as much as possible without overdoing. I using the wii fit program and am dropping about half a pound every day or so. I have a friend who had this surgery a year ago September. She is down 130 lbs. She experienced weeks of plateaus so I am glad I have not done that yet. Just watch your calorie intake, keep moving, and don't get discouraged. Why, look what you've already accomplished! Hang in there. Things will get better.
   — gramX6

February 8, 2009
Im glad u answered this question because I am in the same, boat i work out and staying the same weight now for four days iam hoping it is water weight gain i lost 21 pounds in 3.5 weeks i know the stalling is part of it good to hear i am not all by myself
   — [Deactivated Member]

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