I need opinions here......

Recently, at a support group meeting that I attend (not group), someone was asked not to return to the meeting and to seek psychiatric help by the RN and a social worker who run the group. When he questioned why, he was not given a specific example but told that several people have complained about his behavior. Last Saturday, a few concerned members spoke up about the situation and were not given any specific info. Pre-surgery (and for some of us post-surgery as well)have witnessed first hand how people are discriminated against with regards to our weight. In my book, this acts hand in hand with that and it is unacceptable. Apparently, something has been said to make the management of the group feel that our buddy is a threat to the group. Such use of "hearsay evidence" in court is generally not allowed and in my opinion should not be allowed in this instance as well. Additionally, as many noted at the last meeting, this may be extremely detrimental for him. The fact is that this has given numerous people from the Good Sam meeting a "bad taste" in their mouths. Sadly, I believe this will hurt the continued future success of this meeting and location. We (the weight loss surgery patients) are the success stories and help that meeting survive. I desperately believe in group support and hope and pray that this incident does not stop people from attending meetings, but to find one that better suits their needs. Please feel free to share your thoughts on this subject.    — Maryellen R. (posted on August 26, 2009)

August 26, 2009
I've never heard of a Good Sam meeting, but here's how the situation sounds. Legally they probably can't get very specific in talking to the group about what happened. But it is probably unlikely they would dismiss someone without reason, and they were probably protecting the people who complained from further problems. If the meeting is good otherwise, I would accept that we're all imperfect and forgive them if they were wrong.
   — Janell C.

August 26, 2009
hmm...that's disturbing!
   — lesleigh07

August 26, 2009
I hope I'm wrong but it seems that someone was setting themselves judge, jury, and prosecuting attorney.
   — Kathleen W.

August 26, 2009
Your not asking a specific question and the details provided are full of suppositions, so I would take for granted that the Registered Nurse and Social Worker are looking out for the best interests of the group. If you do not know any more info on the details then I would proceed as if they did the right thing. Undoubtedly they can't talk about the situation with you due to HIPAA, however they are licensed professionals, so therefore I would assume they did the right thing.
   — Joseph Johnson

August 27, 2009
I agree with Joseph and Janell. The RN and LSW are professionals whose job is the well being of the group. Plus because of HIPPA laws they can not divulge anything. If you still feel your friend was discriminated against maybe you can approach the group about getting a mediator to work with your group and your friend.
   — Muggs

August 27, 2009
Intresting...I think there are several issues at play here. One may be the new HIPPA laws. Meaning the leaders of the group can not disclose the details to the rest of the group. The other may be that this person suffers form some type of mental illness that may be placing the members of the group at risk. Perhaps the leaders need to address this in short detail and then move on.
   — chell1957

August 27, 2009
Greetings Maryellen: You need to back off and let the leaders be the leaders and try not to second-guess their hard-thought actions. I'm sure they agonized over their decision long and hard, seeking direction from OH and other avenues open to them before they took this step asking this person not to return to the meeting. In fact, this very subject was discussed at the last leader roundtable, where an individual was seeking direction on what course of action is permissible when that leader finds one or more people to have disruptive behaviors detrimental to the health and wellbeing of the group. It was brought out at the meeting that sometimes it is very necessary to ask a person to not attend any more support group meetings run by a particular leader. The RN and social worker are in charge. Their focus is for the health and well-being of the group. Sometimes leaders need to make hard decisions for the health and well-being of the group in general. I know you feel passionately about this; but, you are not walking in the shoes of the leader. Your writing about this alleged injustice simply fosters unrest. Since you do feel so passionately, why don't you take the steps necessary to become a support group leader. In fact, you could reach out to this person and work with him to get your own support group going. Then, you will recognize that leaders sometimes have to make uncomfortable decisions for the health and wellbeing of their group. No one asks for anyone to not attend any support group without just cause. The leaders recognize the downfall of having to ask anyone to leave because they truly know the challenges they face in getting a support group to thrive. Christine Gibson, MS, MA Bariatric University Support Group Coach OH Support Group Coach OH Support Group Leader
   — Christine Gibson

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