Tummy Tuck and children

My insurance is going to cover a tummy tuck because I have so much loose skin in the stomach area. But I was laid off in May and have been paying Cobra to keep my insurance. I only have it for 3 more months and if I am going to have it covered I have to have it now. But I am only 30 and want to eventually have 2 children. Should I do the procedure and take the risk of my stomach being stretched out (with hopes of it going back to what it was) or do I just not go through with it because I know that I won't be able to ever afford to have a TT in the near future. I can only have a C section due to a car accident I was in years ago so the DR. said that they can always reopen the same scare from the TT and the muscles should go back to being tight again. Advise please.... Thank you!    — stillfighting (posted on September 24, 2009)

September 23, 2009
out of curiosity, how do you plan on paying the hospital/medical bills when you bear your two children if you aren't going to have health insurance? i would definitely not have a tummy tuck if my belly were going to get huge again.
   — greenpunchbuggie

September 24, 2009
OMG some people do lose insurance. Maybe she isn't planning on having kids RIGHT NOW, but later on, maybe when she has insurance!! DUH! People don't stay insurance-less forever! So not helpful! To answer the question, it depends on if you are "Ok" with just a little saggy skin. There is a HUGE difference between saggy skin you get after pregnancy, and sagging skin you get after WLS. If you are comfortable having a little "flab" then go ahead and take advantage of it now. If you are worried about being imperfect, don't do it now, just wait and hopefully your next insurance will cover it. If it were me, and since I could care less about my skin, I would take advantage of it and removal all that excess skin now. When I get a tummy tuck in the future, it necessarily won't be totally for cosmetic reasons... I do have a problem with rashes and all that good stuff.
   — Jennifer F.

September 24, 2009
Thank you for your responses, yes I do plan on having insurance later on through my husband or another plan but as of right now I know that the current insurance I have will cover a TT and that is very rare to find. And yes I do have a lot of excess skin on my stomach now which is causing rashes, and it is very difficult to do certain excercises so that is what is having me consider the surgery. I don't mind having a little skin after a child, considered to what I have now I don't think it will be that big of a problem because now it is ALOT. Thank you again!
   — stillfighting

September 25, 2009
You know, I have had 4 C-sections (1 vertical and 3 in the bikni line) and I know people that have had 6 c-sections are doing fine. My point is to make your decision based on how soon you are planning to have more children. Personally, I would go for the TT now and maybe wait 2-3 years to have more kids because I think it will be much harder to get a new insurance to approve your TT.
   — Papoose79

September 25, 2009
Heck yeah, get it now! Baby bellies are much much less to worry about than what you are dealing with now! My goodness, a baby won't stretch you out to have skin like you have now, and until you have children, you shouldn't have to worry about rashes and not being able to work out properly. I would jump at the opportunity while it is covered! Good luck to you!
   — eyeflirt4fun

September 26, 2009
I would have the TT since insurance is paying; that is a rare occurrence. But even if it were only a panniculectomy, I would still have it done to remove the extra skin that is interfering with your daily life. None of us know what the future holds, right? You may well find yourself in improved financial circumstances in the future and if you want or need another TT you could have it done. Don't resign yourself to the "never" mindset on any aspect of life. Unknowns don't automatically equal a negative impact on our lives. Good luck with the TT if you choose it.
   — Arkin10

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